Sprained Ankles and Lost Panties

Nekkid’ Mole Skin:

  • The title of this BB was going to be Water Boarded (thanks to @shutincarpex), but didn’t quite have that oomph to it.  You see, after the workout this morning at Kryptonite (which by the way one of the PAX called this workout the best ever at Kryptonite), as we were 2nd F’in at #Trunkaterria (thanks Wonderbread!), we were discussing how Schlitz fell down during the lateral shuffle Pyramid Gassers, then Schlitz told us this story of why his ankle is a bit unstable:
    • Schlitz says that he and his M were on vacation…Aruba or somewhere like that…., and he says he thinks he sprained his ankle.  The PAX say, “what do you mean you think you sprained it, wouldn’t you know for sure?".  Schlitz says he woke up one morning, got outta bed and immediately limps badly; hardly can walk!  The ankle is swollen and he doesn’t know why!……….or doesn’t exactly remember why.  Then his M wakes up and she can’t find her panties……like she has her shirt on from the night before, but no panties on!   So the PAX has questions…..mostly Shut-In.  Shut-In is like a P.I. with his questions, and eventually puts all the pieces together.   This is what we are 100% positive of what had happened:  Schlitz and the M had a few several drinks while living up the nightlife in Aruba (or somewhere like that).  At some point either on the beach or near the pool, Schlitz’s M gets on his shoulders to relive their Spring Break days.  Problem is, is that Schlitz gait has been looking like a Weeble Wobble since Mai Tai #7 and his head is a spinnin’.   Schlitz’s ankle gives out cuz his legs are like Gumby when he walks.  In a desperate move to save his M, who herself has a B.A.C of Pina Colada, he uses two hands to grasp on to the back of her panties…..however she continues to fall off his shoulders…..leaving the panties in Schlitz’s hands and his M panty-less.   When they both come to their senses when they woke up at 2:00 p.m. the next day, Schlitz’s ankle is as swollen as one of Bartman’s calves, and some worker at the all-inclusive hotel is showing all his friends the panties he found near the pool.   That’s what happened.
  • Augmented can sprint!  Dude’s got wheels!
  • Amazingly, a couple of the half marathoners from Sunday were out there today.  Damn boys!
  • Pyramid Gassers:  this is my new name for ‘suicides’.  Men, join me in losing the name ‘suicides’.  Even though it’s still in the F3 Nation exicon, I may petition them for a change….even though I don’t know how to do that.    Why Pyramid Gasser?  A Gasser is a typically a sprint from one sideline to another either once, several times, or for a time such as 60 sec.   So a Pyramid Gasser will be the same but for subsequent longer distances each time.   I’m all ears for a better name.
  • Today, each PAX received a lapel pin:  Cross with American Flag on it.  My grandfather kept these pins in his nursing home until he passed away this year.  He would give one of these pins to anyone that would visit him, because “they took the time out of their day to come visit me”.   One thing I remember him telling me often:  “If you can’t do something good for someone else today, then you are wasting your talent”.   I see the men of Carpex living this mantra everyday, and I want to associate myself with men that can influence me to do the same, so thanks to you all.


Oh yes, we did some exercises too. YHC shows up with 5 sec to spare to give most….well 1/4 of a disclaimer.  Off we run to the Koka Booth lot to about 3/4 the way around, which is where we stopped to warm-up some more. Warm-up exercises were as follows, and all in perfect cadence from YHC: GM—>Michael Phelps, Merkins—>MCs—>PJs, Wright Flyers, Saturday Night Stretch.

Thang 1: Paint the lines down the lot toward the Koka Booth hill. Partner Up at the hill.  At top x 10 Partner Derkins, At bottom Partner WWIIs.  Repeato x 2. CMIUC with x 5 Sumo Squat Jumps all the back around the lot.

Thang 2: Pyramid Gassers the length of the lot (Feels about 80 yards or so) with exercises on the front and back end. 1.  Straight running:  Burpees 2.  Front-Retro running:  Air Force Ones 3.  Lateral Shuffles:  American Hammers 4.  Straight running with a mouth full of water:  LBCs

Jog to the head of the AO parking lot.   Take another swig of water in your mouth and perform an 80% run to the stop sign at Regency Pkwy/Ederlee.  Spit out said water.  Mosey to the corner of the lake for E2Ks

Thang 3: Double Applesauce around the lake to the bottom of the hill at Koka Booth.  From there progressive sprints up the hill to entrance of Koka Booth parking lot: 25%-50%-75%-all you got.    Mosey to the Shovel Flag.

COT: Count-a-rama:  12 Name-a-rama:  couple respecks in there Announcements:  Thanksgiving convergence at Bond Park Prayers/Praises:  Imp’s son(?) baptized this weekend.

Chipper took us out like a champ!

luvyou, Flip Flop

See also