Speedwork. Loop de LOOM (has wheels)

Several trips around the pickle to warmup. Backwards, side skip, karaoke, regular then warmup

This idea is from F3 Lehigh Valley’s UPTOWN GIRL to work on speedwork. Break into groups of 2 groups of 3. On Davis Drive, each group jogs two lights poles while 1 member of group AYG to second light pole, returned to pax and continue to second pole. At pole, 10 leg kick Merkins*. Repeato till Waldo Rood Rd. Assorted ab exercises at pole. Return, repeating but with 10 monkey humpers and 15 dying cockroaches.

Back to flag. Assorted stretches, runners, pigeon, butterfly, down dog, calf, etc.

NMS: Loom has some wheels he’s kept hidden all these years. PBX suggested some modifications, they were accepted. Pet Sounds was moving good. Burt, thanks for the chatter. Bartman, though his calves are twice any man’s, is still rehabbing that thing.

Prayers for Windows Down’s grandmother, PBX neighbor, and others.

See also