Speaking o rising up

18 men rose up from this weekend’s glorious holiday to feel some pain, and speaking of rising, how about we rise up some hills, huh?

Mosey Round the loop 20 SSH IC 20 Hillbillies IC 10 GM IC 5 Pikes L/R IC 20 Hackey Sacks IC 11 King David Kicks IC Burpee Count Off - 18

Mosey to Hill for 11’s Top -Squat KDK Bot – Scuba Buddha

Wall by Tennis Court Derkin Progression

Mosey To Tennis Court BTTW Australian MC 4 Man Box Plank OMU (Thanks Old Maid and Franklin for Volunteering to Squat Hold )

Small Shelter ALRSU IC Attempt to Planche Plank (Old maid won the best looking Planch Plank award)

To Loop Mountain Climbers Chillcut Mtn Climbers (Ouch, sorry) Plankorama with Adductor Leg Lift Ski Abs

Mary LBC IC American Hammer IC Piriformis stretch L/R High/Low Pike Stretch L/R Butterfly Stretch Double Quad Stretch Hamstring Stretch 10 Merkins OMD

Announcements Apr 27 Bounty Hunter launch (BO still Open for Bizzness) May 6 Convergence with Churham May 6 Family Picnic

Prayers Boston Runners He is Risen! YHC took us out

See also