18 HIMs met this morning at the gloomiest AO in Cary, except that clear sky and nearly full moon made it relatively bright. I was dismayed to learn that several pax showed up for the Riptide beatdown not realizing I picked up the Q instead. I don’t blame them, hell I was trying to do the same thing! One FNG this morning courtesy of Honeycomb, so the full, drawn-out briefing was in order. After the briefing we got moving.

Pledge of allegiance and then follow me to the….ah, nevermind…there’s a late pax pulling in, so let’s circle the pickle. After scooping the burpee fan, we moseyed clockwise around the big track to the south parking lot for the warm up:

  • 10 Penalty Burpees OYO
  • 20 SHH
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • Runner stretch
  • Calf Stretch
    • Someone yelled at me to speak up right about here, which is rare for me. Noted. Won’t happened again.
  • 20 Merkins OMD

The Thang: Something like Pearls-on-a-String, or possibly even four corners, IDK.

  • Mosey to the basketball and line up on both sides of the fence
    • BTTW with five Merkins down the line
  • All You Got (AYG) to the pull-up bars
    • 50 Pullups and triple-pulsing squat jumps in between sets until all pax are done
  • Mosey to the Southeast corner
    • 20 Mike Tysons
    • 30 American Hammers
  • AYG to the South lot
    • Lunge Walk the lot
    • Bear Crawl Back
    • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Mosey to the Basketball Court
    • IC Homer To Marge - 15 each leg
    • 20 WWIIs
  • AYG to the Pullup bars
    • 10 Pull Ups, pulsing jump squats when waiting
  • Mosey to the southeast corner
    • 10 Mike Tysons
    • 30 IC Freddie Merc’s
  • AYG to the South Lot
    • 10 Worst Merkins Ever
  • Mosey to the B-ball court
    • 30 LBC’s
    • 20 Australian Snow Angels
    • 5 Wolverines OYO
  • Mosey to the flag for COT

FNG Shared many facts about himself, though the most intriguing involved an incident at a WalMart parking lot….I “shit” you not. Welcome F3 “Muddy Buddy.”


  • Crazy Train June 8th, sign-up on Slack
  • Pop-up F3 Dads May 1st at Bond Park
  • F3 Beer release, 5:00pm at Pharmacy May 1st


  • Parker’s FIL Begin cancer treatment
  • Victims of SriLanka bombings
  • Pierogi’s (I think) CoWorker recently lost his son in a car accident and is struggling with the loss
    • Get that guy out with us!

NMS: So, I preblasted that I was not going to make it for EC Intervals this morning, but would be there for Rippers Beatdown. Ripper almost instantly sent me a DM letting me know that he and his family had opted to remain in Myrtle for an extra day and wouldn’t be back in time to make it, and asked if I could pick up the Q. Guys, this is how life works, and how F3 works. It may seem trivial, but I’ve got to tell you, there are times in our lives for many reasons important to us that we may not be able to make commitments of any type. What an amazing relief to know that at the asking there are reliable folks that will step and assist with whatever you may need. I consider it an honor to step in! Though I really was looking forward to some Riptide Mumblechatter this morning. Thank you guys for all that you’ve made F3, and I’m proud to be a part of it.


See also