Spartan Training #1 at A Team

Date: 4/30/2019

QIC: Parker

YHC signed up for the Asheville Spartan Super later this summer, following in the footsteps of Build-a-Bear, GTL, Malpractice, Spartan, and I’m sure a bunch of other PAX who enjoy this sort of thing.  BaB just keeps telling YHC to work on grip strength, so that’s what we set out to do today at A-Team. 15 PAX gathered at the gate, disclaimer and F3 mission statement given, Pledge said, and off we go.

Warmup: Mosey from the entrance to the gravel lot on the right.  Circle up for SSH, calf stretch L, 10 merkins IC, calf stretch R, 10 merkins IC, good mornings, and windmills.

Mosey to the lot where we park when the gate is open, PAX were instructed to grab two palm-sized rocks.  These were used because YHC contacted Pet Sounds too late to get the bricks, but rocks will work just fine.  We got to know our rocks with 10 curls IC, 10 overhead press IC, 10 fazio forward, 10 fazio backward.

Thang 1:  Mosey to the sand volleyball courts, carrying the your rocks.  Distance in the sand is 3 VB courts wide.  With your rocks, PAX were instructed to bear crawl the distance.  If tired, option to modify to crab walk was allowed; PAX were encouraged to take their time, PUT6, and finish together.  Best I could tell, we finished together and nobody did any crab walk.

PAX were then instructed to hold their rocks and crab walk back the other direction.  This time option was given to modify to bear crawl.  This sucked, and modifications did happen:  YHC carried the stones on my stones for a bit, saw a few bear crawlers for sure, and the N’antan was seen practicing his best Philip Rivers to sidearm those rocks a little to give his Pythons a rest.  Like I said, it sucked but we PUT6 and finished together.

Thang 2: We moseyed to the playground and in groups of 4 did 4 corners.  Corner 1: alternating Fazio and overhead press with the rocks.  Corner 2: climb the chains up to the swingset crossbar, and hang there (yes, just hang there).  Corner 3: Merkins.  Corner 4: 30 LBC in cadence.  LBC group counted aloud and when they finished, everybody rotate corners.  All PAX go through each corner once.

Thang 3: Grab your rocks and 4 man Indian Run the long way (around the pickle) to the bottom of the hill heading back toward the entrance.  From there, PAX performed Fives on the hill, with rocks, doing Sir Fazio Arm Circles at the bottom and rock burpees at the top.  PUT6 or plank it out when you’re done.

Return the rocks, then 2 line Indian run to the closest parking lot to the start.  TClaps to all the men for bringing everyone along together on this Indian Run, as everybody was pretty gassed at this point.

Circle up for Mary: Homer 2 Marge, CDD, American Hammer, and 10 Peter Parker Merkins IC (of course).  Have A Nice Day!


May 1 F3 beers at the Pharmacy after work.  May 1 Pop-UP F3 Dads at Bond Park, 0830. Build-a-Bear has your Q.

See also