Sour Mashed 11

11 Lucky souls began in the Lion’s Den and unleashed on the hollowed grounds of St. Mary’s

After the pledge and quick warm-up that included some running and stretching we headed out on Apex BBQ for a quick loop and back to the soccer field. We cashed-in with 5 burpees OYO and headed out to the field for our first round:

7’s including LBC’s and Carolina Docs with 20 lunge steps to and fro. The Pax moved through this quickly and stayed together. We immediately took another lap out to Apex BBQ and back around for another trip to the Soccer field. The Q forgot to call the cash-in burpees so he owes ya.

11’s beginning with squat jumps and merkins on the flip with more running in-between 1/2 field.

One last round through the parking lot this time giving us almost 3 miles. We kept the heart rate up the entire time.

After a few Mary moves that included: Homer to Marge for the ladies and some pigeon pose stretching time was up. Crazy training and Odyssey were talked about.

Praised for Sub’s new job, prayers for the Taylor family and friends of Deuce dealing with loss and sickness.

Final pray from the circle brought to you by Cataracts.

What about Sour Mash? He showed up sporting a nice shiner in the right eye. We don’t know the full story, but I believe his M is left handed.

This was a fun Q for me. If you have read this entire blast, please type the “Mash” in slack under this post. Just curious how many read the blast.

See also