Sound the ALARMs

6 pax made it out to Rush Hour, the finest place to be on any given Tuesday evening. YHC made it out a little early to scout out a couple of obscure places. So as the start closed in, everyone had gathered to do a little stretching, as Press On got in some pullups. Once 6:00 hit, a disclaimer was given, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and we were off!

Warm up:

We ran to the open space in between the two railroad lines, and circled up for:

  • Good Evening
  • Daisy Pickers
  • Sir Fasio Arm Circles Forward
  • Overhead Clap
  • Sir Fasio Arm Circles Reverse
  • Plank Jacks
  • SSH

The Thang:

YHC found this routine on the Exicon called ALARM (Arms, Legs, Abs, “R” exercise, “M” exercise) and decided to make it my own.

ALARM 1, (10 reps):

Grab a rock from the pile (side note, they were much heavier than they looked..): OverheadPress, Rock Squat, American Hammers, Rock run to a set point and run back, Merkins with one hand on your rock then switch.

ALARM 2, (15 reps):

Stay with your rock for: Curls, Rock Lunges, Homer to Marge, Rock Rows, Merkins with both hands on rock. Then run over to the front of the bank on Academy St.

ALARM 3, (20 reps):

Irkins, Box Jumps, LBC’s, Raises (Calf Raises), Merkins in declined position. After that we continued advancing down Academy St to a very small parking lot.

ALARM 4, (25 reps):

Shoulder Taps, Bobby Hurleys, Dying Cockroaches, Russian Dips, Mtn. Climbers. When finished, we ran toward the church for #5.

ALARM 5, (30 reps):

CDD’s, Prisoner Squats, Pickle Pounders, Run backward (or forward to modify) around a set point, Moroccan Night Clubs. Done. So it was time to cross the street to make our way back.

We did a slow Indian Run back, stopping a couple of times to do some Burpees and Planks.



COT: 3 Hate, 2 Meh, 1 Respect

Prayers/Praises: For all injured pax: Term Paper, Build-A-Bear, Liverpool, and Pierogi’s MIL. For everyone affected from COVID-19, as well as with everything going on the protests and riots.

YHC took us out.

NMS: I was actually planning on letting us dip our feet in the fountain, but I decided to hold off because of the graduate having her pictures taken up there. Just thinking they’d probably not want us in their background.. Anyways, Congrats to her!

See also