

My kids love the board game, Sorry! I do too. That is all.


10 gamers made no apology for killing it with YHC at SNS by re-enacting a man-sized version of Sorry!

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Flag - Run to the Comm. Ctr., Paint the Lines - Good Morning, SSH, St. Merkins, Imperial Walkers - Schoolyard Pick ’em, two teams, Largemouth and Kyrie are captains

The Thang

- The game is, Sorry! Two teams. First team with all PAX to finish, wins. Each round, the winner picks an exercise – winners do 15, losers to 25 - Game 1 - Run a Mile – Large’s team wins and calls Burpees - Game 2 - The BO Insano (bear crawl parking spaces in a “U” shape, finish with a hand-release burpee, then broad jump to the next space) – Kyrie’s team wins and calls Star Jumps - Game 3 - Walk Crab Rock Carry (BW Crab Walk with a rock on your belly) – Large’s team wins, calls Peter Parker Merkins - Game 4 - Team Dora (as a team, complete: 500 Merkins, 1,000 LBC’s, and 1,500 Squats) – Large’s team wins and calls Hand-Release Merkins

- Large’s Team wins in Sorry! 3-1 – a ROUT!

COT with the Vespers PAX

See also