Sooey's BACK!

Tomorrow marks the 90 day mark from when YHC had L5-S1 spinal fusion. In a way, that went by quick but in a way that seems like forever ago. YHC only ‘missed’ two weeks of F3 during the initial recovery, making it a point to post 3-4 days a week. The PAX really stepped up to keep me company on what was branded as the Sooey Shuffle. Thank you for everyone for all of the support and encouragement during the recovery process! It means more than you could ever know!

Q’ing Claymore was my way to commemorate my official return to the gloom. Originally, I had thought about pranking Frisco by showing up at the end with coffee but decided it wasn’t work buying him a cup of coffee :) The goal of today’s not so much of a beat down was to review all of the things YHC learned in recovery.

6 PAX showed up early for some EC running and walking. It was a bit chilly this morning and much was said about proper attire on these chilly mornings during EC.

At 5:45 sharp, we were off… on a walk. Our FNG-Honey Do showed up a couple of minutes late. Apparently, his wife found F3 online and he had reached out to learn more. Honey do is well on his way to knocking off an item on what is probably a growing honey do list!

Warm up:

Apparently, we we are supposed to warm up before exercising so we did our 6 minute brisk walk to get stretched out. Then we circled up for:

  • Good Mornings
  • Sir Fazio Arms Circles - Forward and Reverse
  • Over head claps
  • Seal claps (by popular demand)
  • Some stretches
  • Burpees - FNG was still late, lead by Disco Duck so I didn’t break the rules!

Thing 1:

11’s across the parking lot. Merkins and squats, with proper form lunges and bear crawls in between.

Thing 2:

Modified Dora

  • 50 foot kicks keeping core engaged
  • 100 hip lifts keeping core engaged
  • 150 homer to marge keeping a 3 count at the top and feel pulled in towards body


  • Modified low slow flutters
  • Donkey Kicks

And with that we were done! Prayers for @skippers job search.


  • Recovery is hard. Don’t forget about those in recovery.
  • Take time to appreciate being recovered, it has been a journey but I am very blessed.
  • I am not sure Crimson would have posted for the last 10 weeks without me.
  • Jenny, I mean Frisco is still a jerk :)
  • We need to take time to warm up and stretch so we don’t get hurt. Keep your core engaged and work your leg and hip muscles to help improve stability.
  • Thanks for letting me lead in a modified format today.
  • Thankful for all of you!

See also