Sometimes you have to get a little dirty...

…at Dante’s Peak.

After stepping outside about 5:15 a.m. this morning, YHC realized that he lucked out with good temps and dry conditions for his VQ day.  However, it turned out that it wouldn’t stop the PAX from needing that towel in the trunk for their drive home.

23 PAX were ready to roll this morning - no FNGs and everyone on time, so we were off.


Quick jog to the basketball courts, by way of the hill.  Circle up for:

  • 15 Side Straddle hops IC
  • 10 Sir Fazio arm circles and 10 reverse IC
  • 10 Good mornings IC (gotta work on my cadence here, too much adrenaline)
  • 10 Standard Merkins IC
  • 15 Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang

Jog to the soccer field, then YHC realized he forgot to count off #Fail.  Quick count-o-rama (23) and then count off to 6, remember your number.

Relay race

  • 6 teams of 4-ish PAX line up on the goal line. Runner 1 sprints the full length of the field and back, then Runner 2, and so on…if you aren’t running, you are planking.  Prize for the winning team, which was Shutty’s crew…
  • Repeato, but with a twist. Winning team gets to squat instead of planking as a reward for their hard work, and all others are hitting those burpees OYO when they aren’t sprinting.  Quick heart rate monitor check, 175 BPM – you can always count on burpees + sprinting to totally suck.

Jog across the two fields to the beach, to see what is in store for us.  Partner up, size matters.


  • Wheelbarrow to the vball nets (40ish yards?) and back 2 times, switch up with your partner whenever you need to.
  • Partner carry is next, same thing, up and back twice, switch whenever you need to.
  • Back into your teams, Tunnel of Love is next. PAX plank side by side and person at the end army crawls through the tunnel, then adds to the front of the tunnel until we reach the black trashcans.

*Finally some solid mumblechatter, giving a sliver of confidence to this VQ that he must be doing something right…something about not wanting any more sand in any more crevices, so a quick audible over to the grass soccer field #2 which luckily turned out to be quite wet still.  Tunnel of Love to the black trashcans, maybe 70 yards or so.

Mosey back to the first soccer field

Escalator run

  • Line up on the goal line, sprint to mid-field, 10 Merkins, sprint back.
  • Repeato, 10 Merkins, 10 WWIIs. Yep, grass is still wet.
  • 10 Merkins, 10 WWIIs, 10 jump squats.
  • 10 Merkins, 10 WWIIs, 10 jump squats, 10 burpees

Indian run

  • Two lines formed for an Indian run back up the hill we originally came down, and back to the flag.


  • 15 LBCs IC
  • 15 Box Cutters IC
  • 15 American Hammers IC
  • 10 Homer to Marge IC (lead by Pet Sounds)
  • 20 Homer to Marge leg lifts (I think I have that right?) (lead by Hotspot)


Count-o-rama: still 23

Name-o-rama: Hates, Mehs, and Respects


  • 6/3 - Mason/Dixon convergence at Pullen 6:30 am; pre-run at 5:30
  • 6/10 - Churham converence at TBL with SOS
  • 6/17 - F3Dads following Phoenix at 8 am
  • Request for PAX to gather FNG birth names and emails and get them signed up


  • Prayer for Earhart’s health
  • Prayer for Snots’ nanny, as she is dealing with a miscarriage
  • Praise for Yogi and Callahan, and the incredible impact F3 has had on their lives

BOM: YHC took us out

Fellas, thanks for bearing with me on my VQ, and encouraging me to give it a shot.  I enjoyed every minute of it, and consider it a privilege to work out and fellowship with all of you on a weekly basis.

See also