"Something like" The Beast

Here’s just a few of the Gran Torino Records I set this morning:

  1. First EC run (w/ Largemouth, Michelob, Skly Blue and YHC)
  2. Most Turkish Get Ups
  3. Worst “Beast” 

0530 - Meet Roxanne and away we go.

Mosey tour of the parking lot and back to the basketball court. Still no Biner (I guess I’m drinking coffee this morning.)

Warm Up
Good Morning, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earle, Merkin, Mnt. Climber

Thang 1
“Half” Beast (So apparently I didn’t read the Exicon correctly and only did half of what we should have. And despite everyone’s efforts to correct me and make things right, that’s how I had it on my Weinke so that’s how we were going to do it.) Run 25 yards perform 6 reps of exercise, 25 yards, 6 reps, 25 yards, 6 reps, run back to start. Six exercises were 1) Turkish Get Ups 2) Monkey Humpers 3) Pickle Pounders 4) Pickle Pounders 5) Monkey Humpers 6) Turkish Get Ups

Thang 2
Partner Up. P1 - hold chill cut plank; P2 - hop over partner, burpee, hop back over, burpee (switch) Repeato x10

P1 - BTTW; P2 - 4x4x4s (switch) Repeato x4

Wall of Fire w/ 10 Merkins

Mosey back to the flag.

Plank Hold Variations, Absolution, Boat/Canoe, 100s

Cary Christmas Parade 8th
The 11th is 2 days before the 13th
Carpex Christmas Party 13th
South Wake CSAUP 15th

Prayers/Praises - Ausfahrt, Shut-In’s cousin and family

YHC took us out with part of a letter George H.W. Bush wrote to a friend

Don’t get down when your life takes a bad turn. Out of adversity comes challenge and often success. Don’t blame others for your setbacks. When things go well, always give credit to others. Don’t talk all the time. Listen to your friends and mentors and learn from them. Don’t brag about yourself. Let others point out your virtues, your strong points. Give someone else a hand. When a friend is hurting show that friend you care. As you succeed, be kind to people.


See also