Some Things Look Better On Paper…

Like clockwork my birthday came again this year. It has happened every year around this time for as long as I can remember. But I am a good sport so I picked up the Q at finest kettlebell workout on a Monday in Carpex at a church parking lot. I had an odd bout of Q nerves and sleeplessness the night before so when I overslept and subsequently rolled into HB one minute before start I knew it was going to be a productive morning.

Warm Ups:

Except for calling for Have a Nice Day (which sounds really similar to Good Morning on 3 hours of sleep) I cannot remember what we did only that it was glorious! There were some burpees since those are good mumble chatter killers and for some reason people feel comfortable to MC my Qs.

The Thang: Traveling Matts (Fraggle Rock reference)

Partner Up in 2s (someday I will live down that fateful Claymore Q…)

P1 run to first station and start the exercise on the sheet. P2 lunge walk with kettlebell to that station and do 10 of the exercises. P1 runs to second station and starts those exercises until P2 lunge walks there with KB, and so on.

After both PAX complete 6th station P1 runs to pull up bars for 5 reps. Then PAX switch partner roles and head around the course again.

Ranger Knerkins (10x for P2)
V-Ups (10x for P2)
Turkish Get Ups (10x for P2)
Burpees (10x for P2)
Reverse Crunches(10x for P2)
Regular Merkins (10x for P2)

COT: 18 (2 Hates, 2 Respects, 14 Mehs)

Odyssey shirts are on sale again in case you didn’t get one the first time around. As of the writing of this BB there are 7 shirts that still need to be purchased to fill the order.

Praises and Prayers:

Just YHC prayers for continued strength to support my M.

Theismann took us out.


I apologize to Betsy Ross who was my partner in the Frisco’s 6 Corners Station exercise. At one point, I think he actually just picked up me and the kettlebell and carried me over his shoulder so that he could finish the course in a reasonable time. Lack of sleep and Odysessy recovery took a little more out of me than I realized…until I hit that first station. The workout above looked great on paper and was brutal in application.

Still it was an honor to lead this morning. It always is.

See also