Solid Showing after a hard launch

AO: Tin2Iron

QIC: Wrench

Pax: Ace, Alamo, Ausfaht, Chewie, Crimson, Earhart, Ezekiel, Hummus, Mongoose, Shipper, Tang, The Commish, Wrench, WWW

Date: June 18 2020

Taking on a Q late after Frisco needed a switch, at a new AO, with a different concept than one I have Q’ed before took some thinking, but knowing the location is also the home of Hells Bells means some coupons and props are there for the taking.

YHC got there a little early for some ECP, and started pulling some kettlebells out for a FIA EC fly-by. Slowly the Pax started showing up, 17 in all.

After quick disclaimer and mission statement, circle the Pax for a warm up. Hummus came in hot, so he led us in 5 burpees (penalty, or just fun, who really knows).

GM, Sir Fazzio forward and backwards.

Thang 1: 11s. Push, pull, legs style. Kettlebell rows and Merkins, lunges in the middle. (The lunges add the fun here).

Thang 2: Bear Crawl Race: down the pickle and back. Tang has some speed, but Crimson is no sleeper.

Thang 3: Mike Tyson’s descending ladder, from 10 to 1, walking in the middle. A few moseyed.

Mary: since we had the bells, we had to have fun with them. Pax called, including American Hammers, pullovers, plank on the bell, some one handed.

Several stayed after for Coffeeteria, courtesy of resident barista and reigning HIMOTY WWW.

Announcements: Deacon coming up. The Mule in Greenville.

Prayers/Praises: Ninjago, other injured Pax. Law enforcement local and nationwide.

NMS: great concept by WWW.

Legs are still sore the next day. It’s great.

Great conversation and 2ndF throughout the post and after.

Great to see Pax I don’t normally see, or have yet to meet. Carpex is growing fast, all with stellar HIMs!