Solar Eclipse!

Today is the day for the solar eclipse so I felt compelled to create a workout that was both challenging and fun, relating as much as I could to the special astrological day.  21 PAX gather in the humid, gloom day for the themed-event.  We take off down the road in a mosey imitating, the sun and moon traversing the sky.  We make it, after a backwards run up the hill, to the first eclipse over Oregon for:

Warm Up

20 Side-Straddle Hops, variable cadence

20 Overhead Claps

20 Lateral leg lifts (after traveling to our next eclipse location, back in the parking lot)

15 Abe Vigodas (a very slow windmill)

10 Ranger Merkins


The Thang

Finish warmup, mosey over to the back parking lot for the first round of beatdown starting with:

Elevens, orbiting around the center island performing 10 Star Jumps and 1 American Hammer (best I could come-up with early in the morning), repeato the orbit until finished back at the parking lot

Clock burpees, each PAX around the circle calling down for a total of 21 burpees, the eclipse is now over Idaho

Lunge merkins across the parking lot, basically left, right lunge with a progressing number of merkins, sun and moon on the move again

Imperial squat walker, imperial walkers with a squat added at the beginning over the next eclipse site, somewhere in Colorado

Plank exercises at our next eclipse site, somewhere over Tennessee, after traveling across the skies to the basketball court

Suicides, what eclipse event would be without some suicides, two rounds just to make sure

Erkins on the hill, PAX on the hill with a clock theme, 5 merkins per each 15-minute increment


We are finally in Charleston and the end of our eclipse journey across the sky.  We circle up on the basketball court for some PAX audible Mary that included Carolina wine-makers, Freddie merks, box-cutters, and the crowd favorite homer-to-marge.  Q calls time but Disco mumbles we still have 29 seconds, so back on our sixes for 2 more homer-to-marge to finally finish us out.


Count-a-rama:  21 PAX.


  • F3 Dads this Saturday, Bond Park 9:00 AM
  • FiA 8:00 AM Bond Park, after Phoenix. Still in probation, need numbers to get sanctioned so get the word out!
  • A-Team will be closing on Labor Day for a convergence at Bond Park at 7:00 AM
  • 9/11 Stair Climb, show-up early at Carter Finley if you plan to attend, suggested 5:15
  • Kryptonite will be open on 9/11 with a regular tempo (not high) bootcamp
  • A-Team will be closed for 9/11
  • See the Chronicle, sent August 18th, for more announcements and helpful, regional information



It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also