So String Theory says there are multiple dimensions, but nothing about Pearls

“It’s strange how pain marks our faces, and makes us look like family.”  - The Green Mile -

Beautiful weather this am as the pax roll in. Everyone is early, lots of fellowship. No FNGs but a new face for YHC, well, somewhat new. Hank Williams Jr [hate] was first named 3 years ago at DZ, YHC hasn’t seen him since. Enough reminiscing, grab your gloves, let’s go.

6.25+ mile loop Pearls on a String. Pax provided only the next set of directions at each stop. There are 5 pearls in route to the midway point goal and 5 pearls back to flag. Pax are encouraged to run at their own pace.

- At each of the first half stops, 5 burpees, 5 diamond merkins, 5 wide grip, 5 regular,  20 boat canoes, pick up the 6.  
- At midway point, White Oak Elementary School, 3 minutes to max out pull-ups, rest with monkey humpers.
- At each of the second half stops, 5 burpees, 5 diamond merkins, 5 wide grip, 5 regular, 20 dying cockroaches. 
- Stop at Green Level High School for the Service Project: 5 minute plank hold while weeding.

Mosey back to flag for 8 minutes of Pivot led stretching.

13 pax
Announcements: 4th July convergence at Bond Park starts at 7:04 am
Prayers and praises: Gilligan,  Disco Duck and M, Horatio in GoRuck Tough,  and others. 

- Made it to the Tobacco Trail today, though a bit unorthodox
- Hank Jr has some wheels and led every segment,  “I Pity the Fool” was on his heels the entire way. 
- Old Maid is a DIYPro, sharing,  again,  his pedal wrench.
- Pivot was worried about having time for the “TGM” required stretching. Huh? He stepped up like a pro to finish out the time. 
- Tclaps for Whiplash co-Q Michelob joining us today and experiencing this new A.O. with so many opportunities. 
- Airbag was an early departure, glad we could start your work day. 
- Tclaps to Pivot for the post cold brew.

YHC had a good time planning this,  scouting last week via mountain bike [with the version 0.0 SPDs that decided to stop working], but then on the drive home discovered additional gems. This site is already great and will only get better with all of the development and new and planned green-ways.

See also