So glad Saban wasn't there...

Wow - love these 530 starts 25 minutes away…. or not.

However, it is always a pleasure to lead and this morning was know exception.  We started with 15, ended with 15 and had 16 during our mid workout count o rama.  Many people that I haven’t seen at all or in a while - that is why it is great to travel.

YHC looked through the last several backblasts before his Q at FWD - and noted that they only seemed to a) go to the bridge, b) go across the road to the office park or c) run up and down the Cary Park hill - so my primary goal was to do something different.

Luckily, I stayed in the park for our warm up as we run 4 laps around the small circle which included some high knees, butt kickers, and karaoke.  As we did our warm up - Trickle came trickling in (turns out that this was only his second post - first post was in SW Wake at Middle Creek).  If he had been much later, he would never have found us.  One penalty burpee for all.  The rest of the warm up was GM x 15, HB x 15, SFAC x 9 each way.  Then off at your own pace to the bridge returning to pick up the six.  At the start of the bridge, double decker Irkins - x 10 each rail - then bear crawl half the bridge and lunge the other half.  On the other side- more double decker irkins x 10 each rail at the top and and the bottom.

At this point, most men assumed - we would go back across the bridge - but oh no - one time across was our only time on this bridge today - on we foraged through the dark and emerged into another park - at the basketball court we did - suicide, crab suicide - and plank o rama - with 4 times around the circle with a 10 count - alternating between regular and one of your arms raised.  Enough shoulder work so we were off - out of the park the other way and a left turn on the road (Seabrook i believe) for a double Indian Run all the way up to Cary parkway - yes - i said up - because this was up hill and then up hill some more and finally up hill some more.  Luckily during the Indian Run, Nature Boy was nice enough to wake up any of the neighbors that might have been sleeping.

At the Cary parkway intersection - we self selected into three groups - the slow group - run, medium group squats x 10 and then run, the fast group - squats x 10, merkins x 15 and then run - when you catch the group in front of you - do the exercise again and then continued running.

As we turned back into the park- (about 1 mile later) Texas Ranger headed on - (into the wild west i guess) but the rest of us returned to the park.  5 WW 2 situps and we were done.  Only about 4 minutes late (sorry Saban - it won’t happen again).

COT - 16,

Announcements - Quadruple down and thanksgiving festivities - check slack for details

Prayers - Tundras miracle - (he put his key in one pocket and it appeared in the other) and Staubach’s FIL who went to the hospital last night.

YHC took us out - and also prayed for Theisman and Flacco’s FILs as well. - Wanted all our QB families to be healthy.

Thanks Again - and yes - we really covered over 3 miles at a Franklin Q.

See also