SNS -- The New Outdoor Gym

I arrive at SNS after not posting here for some time being a regular at Tortoises to a crowd of PAX either hanging out or running in from all directions. Seems SNS has turned into an outdoor gym environment where you can do running, beatdowns, several aerobic options. What is next, cycling and yoga classes? Anywho, 30 plus guys gathered, some ran away for Vesper, some stayed with me for the traditional beatdown. We head out running slowly around the corner for:

Warm Up

10 Good Mornings

20 Side Straddle Hops

10 Cotton Pickers

10 Windmills


The Thang

Finish warmup, mosey to the left and down the gloomy street, mixing in some karaoke and backwards runs to keep the PAX closer together. Once all PAX are gathered at the first gate, Q leads team in some imperial walkers and some burpees for more warmups.

Finish the burpees and head to the large shelter for some bench work:

15 Urkins

15 Dips

15 left-right step-ups

15 derkins


Run a lap and repeat 2 more times in the shelter. Finish and run to the lower parking lot, the site of the infamous F3 Carpex cookout. Next up, 4 corners escalator, starting with the first exercise and adding to it the following exercises per corner:

5 burpees for all four

10 jump squats

15 wide-arm merkins

20 starjumps


PAX instructed to go back down the escalator, reversing the order of the above exercises until all PAX are back at the original corner. Q tells PAX as they finish the escalator to perform LBCs OYO.


Next up is a quick run out to the lower field for some plank jack webs, basically a cadence count plank jack with arm raises to a 3 count. Q works the group up to 5 plank jacks and 15 arm raises until we are done.

Bear crawl up the hill and head to the billy-run line for give-it-all-you-got run back to the flag for:




Circle-up and perform some LBCs, dying cockroach, homer to marge, and American hammers before bell tolls 6:30 and we are done.




Count-a-rama: 30+ PAX.



Support and prayers to Khaki’s as he hosts a special guest from India as he spreads the word about his efforts to help India children in the Mumbai redlight district have a better life.


Also, prayers to all the F3 brothers who have lost their Mothers over the past few months given Mothers Day is coming and reminds us of who we have and have lost.






  • T-clap to Smoky for leading us out of the parking lot and up to warm-up
  • Great work Reapto for not only coming back the next day but brining an FNG to the group. Nice work!
  • Good mumble chatter and fun had with the large group
  • I think I saw others early like Denali and Callahan but then they were gone by the time we circled up. Weird times at SNS
  • Waiting on a yoga/stretching class to be offered at SNS since everything else is there
  • Great weather brought great attitudes

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also