SNS 4/14/21

35(ish) PAX converged at Bond Park for a pick-your-own-adventure sorta day. Some ran. Some rucked. Some beast-ed. And some did a little bit of all that. But I can only speak to what the bootcampers did. Some other hero will need to fill you in on what happened with the ruckers and runners.

5:44am, YHC hollered at the PAX to find a partner. A dull buzz filled the air as the PAX wondered whether YHC had actually planned a Q *gasp*. Long story short, yes I did.

5:45am: pledge of allegiance


5:45:45: take off out of the lot and find a spot to warm up. Merkins, Good Mornings, Squats, Side Straddle Hops.

5:48: YHC explains to the PAX what we’re doing, which was a Modified Beast. 6 stations, 6 exercises, 6 reps. But with a partner. Station 1, at the intersection of Metro Park and Bond Park Drive, partner 1 knocks out 6 merkins while partner 2 planks. Flapjack. Repeat for a total of 6 rounds

5:53: at the baseball diamond, partner 1 does 6 Australian Mtn Climbers & partner 2 People’s chair. Flapjack/Repeato x6

5:59: at Lazy Daze, pull-ups and squats

6:07: at the boathouse, dips and planks

6:13: at the rock pile by the dam, rock curls and overhead rock hold

6:17: at the bottom of the grassy hill, 6 trips up the hill and LBCs

*record scratch*

after the second trip up the hill, YHC could sense danger. The clover was just too darned slippery and YHC feared somebody was going to get injured. Audible to the safer, but longer, asphalt hill. Unfortunately, running short on time, we had to cut it to 5 trips up the hill. That’s fine though, I like 665 better anyhow.

6:28: Billy run home

6:29: LBCs until quittin’ time.


Count-o-rama: 35 pax, mostly bootcampers, about 10 ruckers, 6-8 runners. All Gloomwarriors in my book
Name-o-rama: still 35, handful of Respects, one HONOR, mostly meh and maybe a hate or two
Announcements: Grease Monkey is flying into FMJ next week if you wanna meet a hero, OTB Carpex Marathon (and Half, and 10k, and 5K, and 1-mile fun run, and bacon(?)) is this weekend. They could use some more volunteers to man aid stations, get with Old Maid if you’re able to help
Prayers: Hot-Spot and his daughter; Horatio’s friend Ron and his family


  • ended up with 2.33 miles this morning, but we kept it moving.
  • Wrench /= Schlitz, and boy don’t you ever forget it. Yeesh.
  • Lots of EC this morning. Too many to name. If you went above and beyond today, you don’t need me to tell you how great you are. You already know. Great work, men.
  • I was keenly aware and hypersensitive to the Nantan’s heart rate this morning. It’s almost as if our hearts beat as one.
  • Almost.
  • Whole lotta cursing this morning. Potty mouths here in Carpex. I contributed as well. I will say, those ruckers can get a little loud when needled by the PAX. Pretty sensitive for a bunch of “tough guys”
  • Still mad they tried to go up against me in prime time. Shoot
  • Hey Riptide, I know you’re reading this. How were your numbers today?
  • Not being competitive or anything. Just want to see how much bigger my crowd was is all
  • You’ll get ’em next time, boo
  • Wait, what is the NMS for again?
  • Anyway, I was pretty proud of this Q. Seemed to be a moderate beatdown, not the furthest distance, but we were consistently moving. A perfect mix of working out while also giving guys a chance to ramp up the mumblechatter. And booooy, there was some mumblechatter.
  • Ma Bell wasn’t there. That’s the only thing I’d change about this morning if I could.
  • I got 33 of the names tagged in the post here - let me know who else was there for CT purposes if you would.
  • Thanks for letting me lead. See you next time


See also