Snow Bowl

It’s Thursday, January 28, 2021, 4:45 am and it’s snowing. So what, let’s get out the door and MIAGD at BIB. On the way, roads are not slick at all which hopefully means more PAX will join the fun this morning. Gather, no FNG’s, so straight to the Pledge of Allegiance. Off for a short mosey. Did I say short , I meant almost a mile run mosey.


-Good mornings

-Imperial Walkers



-Mosey back up to parking lot in front of main entrance to Koka Booth.


Super Bowl 100 yard 11’s (every two lines is 10 yards on the field)

-Sprint 10 yards, 10 merkins and 1 imperial walker. Jog back to original goal line

-Sprint 20 yards, 9 merkins and 2 imperial walkers. Jog back to original goal line

-And so on, until the full 100 yard field is covered


The Flea Flicker to the Long B.O.M.B.S

-Partner up, one exercises while other runs the locker room pickle

-50 Bobby Hurley’s (cause I cannot do burpees any longer with my knee)

-100 Overhead Presses

-150 Merkins

-200 Big Boy Situps

-250 Squats

Jog back to the flag to wrap up. Have a nice day!


Announcements: Duck Donuts Dash coming soon!

Prayers/Praises: Prayers for Cauliflowers family as they move his FIL and MIL to the Triangle to be closer to family. Prayers for a few PAX dealing with the virus. Prayers for our country.

Coffeeteria enjoyed as usual at NYBDIII. Great 2ndf!

See also