
Nine PAX made it out to Kryptonite for a Monday morning Q to start the week off right. I decided to join Kryptonite Sunday evening and saw the Q spot was open. A quick message to Bagels confirmed and I decided to put a workout together. I have a love/hate relationship with F3 high-intensity workouts and thought doing the Q may help make amends. At 530 AM, we kicked it off on-time with the Pledge, and off we went.

Warm up

Jog around the lake and take the path up the hill next to the Chiesi building.

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Good Morning
  • Calf stretches
  • Merkins

First » Regency Loop to Dude Solutions Rock Pile

Run from the Chiesi Parking lot to the Dude Solutions Rock Pile…

  • At every neighborhood entrance, WW2’s incrementing by 5’s.

Second » Rock Pile + DORA

Grab a partner, grab a rock, run around the small triangle island and hit the following exercises:

  • 100 LBC’s
  • 100 Arm Curls
  • 100 Overhead Lifts

Third » Indian Run home to MARY

Indian Run to the parking lot, catch one extra loop to clock in at 3 miles, and close out with PAX-led MARY:

  • LBC’s
  • American Hammers
  • Low-Slow-Flutters
  • WW2’s
  • etc…


No Announcements. Prayers for old friends, our families, and these times we are navigating right now. Thank you fellas for the opportunity to lead. My BB is one day late…again.

See also