Smokey and the Bandit

Gloom.  Respect.  Drizzle.

This am was another morning of all things great about F3.

An awesome group of dudes…grateful for Smokey’s Q (which as always was organized/planned…and was comfortable with me chattering while he led his portion), the CD/Intimidator/Brody troika…the Dad, the Father in law and the newlywed, Birthday site Q - Open Out, GTL (the quiet, in shape tough dude), Free Bird (wears Cotten like Hermes), Sooner (who refered to me as sir, then quickly adjusted to Brah) and Michelob (almost slept in, but decided to run in instead…stud).

I think its funny that Burt (Reynolds) was a star in Smokey and the Bandit and here he is Qing with Smokey!

After exchanging some pleasantries.  Open Out planted he flag.   CD discussed a breakfast option…it was dismissed.  As you know CD is all about the Coffeeteria these days!  He is an F3 Machine.   We were off.

Warm Up (Smokey)

  • Mosey on the trail to the parking lot
  • Standard Warm Up:  Good mornings, SSH, IW, Merkins, etc.   IC…and a great cadence it was.


  1. Burt:  Set of 7s.   ManMakers and Jump Squats in the parking lot (about 40 yards between reps
  2. Smokey:  Hit the trail.   10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBC’s at each light pole.  Turn and pick up the six after each pole.   We hit about 10 light poles.
  3. Smokey:  Partner up.  100 Pickle Pounders, 150 Squats and 200 4 ct. SSH.   Total per 2 partners.   Run after completing set.   Audibled to regular ct SSH after a bunch were completed.
  4. Burt.  Jack Webb.   1 merkin to 10, with 4x Hallelujahs.  Instead of 9 and 10….we did 14 and 56 (get it…Smokey and Burt are 56….as is the Intimidator!)


  • Circle up.    Various Mary excercises called by the Respects.    CD, Michelob.


  • Count-a-Rama 10, 5 repsects, 2 hates and 3 Meh
  • No new news.
  • We sang Happy Birthday to Open Out!  31!
  • CD took us out.


  • Awseome leading with Smokey.   He is a terrific inspiration and a great Q.
  • Nice to post in the Real Gloom.   Makes us tougher. Just select your gear wisely.
  • It was fun to be in Apex with such a fantastic group of men!

For Smokey….we are out!

Great to work out and lead with y’all.  It makes my day.


See also