Smoked Legs

A dozen strong men avoided the big crowds at SNS to particiate in a Vanilla with sauce beatdown under the moonlight in the Lion’s Den on a glorious Wednesday moring.

No FNG’s, yet disclaimer should be disclaimed and was with a friendly reminder to modfy as needed. 1st Exercise Pledge of Allegiance and off we went heading out of The St. Mary’s compound.

Yesterday I scouted a few areas around Lion’s Den and set my sights on a common area just a short run away. Since we had a small group of 12, I asked the pax to be mindful of the neighbors fartsacking nearby. We don’t want to get Red Ryder kicked out of the hood.

Warm-up in a small circle included my fav Good Mornings, Calf stretch Side Straddle and deconstructed Burpees (5). With a focus on the feet, locking core and breathing through the movement. When done correctly with a good pace, you can do these all day.


Just a short run away we used some two to three foot wall space to get our heart rate up.

5 Rounds that included: 10 Burpee wall jumps (step up modification) jog around the small park area hitting every other bench for 5 dips = 1 round. Thang 1 did not disapoint the heart rate and YHC was second guessing half way through, but managed to push a finish. Heavy pax breathing required a few 10 counts. Very impressed with the final finish time especially Wahoo making his third F3 appearance. After a short mosey/ run back to the school lot we set up for Thang 2. 50 burpee wall jumps 50 Dips


5 parking strips sit directly in front of the school made for the perfect spot to get our Squats in perfect form. 20 perfect squats arrrs below the hips on the down, feet on the heels, arms forward, and locking the hips (RR Tip) at the top. 20 quality squats followed by a sprint to the end of the strip, mosey back. Repeat on each of the parking strips moving closer to the church. 100 squats, 5 sprints


LBC X 30. Chill-cut Plank hold 10 seconds around the pax 120 seconds if you are counting, Homer To Marge entertained the ladies, Freddie Merks, Freebird gave us one more, we stretched our calves again and added a Quad stretch to finish it off.


Caring Place this coming Sunday. We need help, please sign up and see locations on Slack.

Free bird is heading to Greenville for the Sasquatch CSUP

We raised our prayers up to the sky Q and thanked him for the many blessings in our lives. We also thanked him for the difficult seasons that make us stronger and grow our faith. We keep Duck and Kelly in our prayers knowing the road ahead will be long and a new normal will take time.

See also