Small Group Workout for Men


  • 18 for Phoenix or The Maynard at Phoenix

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.
  • Small Group Indian Run to the West lot.

The First Thang

  • Bear Crawl the length of the lot.
  • Extended Plank Series: 20,15,10,5 reps of ‘Mericans, Plankjacks, Mountain Climbers

The Second Thang

  • SGIR to the Community Center

  • Grab and ego rock and partner up.

  • P1 runs around the CC while P2 performs AMRAP Rock Rour Bodies. Flap Jack.

  • P1 runs around the CC while P2 performs AMRAP Aussie Mountain Climbers. Flap Jack.

  • P1 runs around the CC while P2 performs AMRAP Rock Rour Bodies. Flap Jack.

  • P1 runs around the CC while P2 performs AMRAP Aussie Mountain Climbers. Flap Jack.

The Third Thang

  • SGIR to the playground.

  • P1 runs around the CC while P2 performs AMRAP Rock Rour Bodies. Flap Jack.

  • P1 runs to the bathroom and back while P2 performs AMRAP Pull-ups. Flap Jack x2.

The Fourth Thang

  • SGIR to the kiosk.
  • Sprint the hill + squats at the top. X3

The Last Thang

  • SGIR to the Senior Center
  • Bear Crawl the length of the lot.
  • Side Plank Star Crunches.


See also