Slow and Low, That is the Tem-po

AO: M.A.S.H.
Workout Date: 06/18/21
I’ve spent way too much time trying to find some M.A.S.H.-related themes for this backblast, and sorry, boys, it ain’t happening.

This is my fourth Q of the week, and M.A.S.H.’s late start (on a Friday!) was right up my alley this morning. I set my alarm for thirty minutes later and still moved it another thirty minutes when I woke in the middle of the night. I still had plenty of time to get to the AO, and my prerun was a five minute mosey around the site that didn’t even clock half a mile.

Warm Up:
State the mission, check for FNGs (0), and give the disclaimer
Mosey up to the entrance of the Residents’ Club to split up our journey to Thang #1

I even broke out the extended-length warmups I’ve recently been shortening:
Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC)
Good Morning x5 IC
Imperial Walker x20 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x10 IC, reverse x10 IC
Monkey Humper x10 IC
Standard Merkin x10 On My Down (OMD)
Mountain Climber x10 IC
Downward Dog with calf isolations
World’s Greatest Stretch

Main Event
1) Mosey across the street to the brick wall for 10-15-10 pyramid of the standard shelter set: Left-Right Step Ups, Irkins, Dips, Little Gyno Crunches, Derkins. When I told the guys that Elevated Crunches got renamed LGCs at Danger Zone, the PAX immediately (and correctly) suspected Burt’s involvement. It shall be noted we performed them today across the street from a primary care doctor.
2) YHC called for 5 pull ups OYO, but it was a mess for me. Everyone else did them well, I assume.
3) Mosey across the street and back to start for … umm… I got so caught up in chatting with Badlands that there was a hot minute with no direction from the Q. I quickly moved us back up to the middle of the lot for Rack Em UnStack Em:
Corner 1: 5 Burpees
Corner 2: 10 Merkins
Corner 3: 15 American Hammers (two count)
Corner 4: 20 Sumo Squats
From start (AKA corner 4), run to corner 1, do five burpees, run back to start and squat hold for the six
Run to corner 1, do burpees, run to corner 2, do merkins, back to corner 1, do burpees, run back to start and hold for the six
Progress your way around the “square” , going further each round until the full square has been completed.
As we had a couple of walkers, PAX suggested on audible on that holding for the six and I agreed.

(not sure of the order)
Dolly x10 IC
Rosalita x10 IC
Homer to Marge x10 IC
Freddie Mercury x10 IC
Flutter Kick x10 IC
Dying Cockroach x10 IC
Box Cutters x10 IC


Sawgrass/TPC Sunday
F3 Raleigh Day of Service 6/19 (tomorrow) starting at Vatican City 0700
F3 Carpex convergence is 7/3 at Bond Park for 1776 workout. This was news to some. Note to self to mention this on Slack.

Prayers unspoken.
YHC took us out.

Naked Moleskin:
Nice, easy pace this morning. I felt I would’ve gotten much more “feedback” at other sites.
Great Godfather was hands-down our War Daddy. 79 years young!
This was my sixty-fourth #F3Q21 #2021Challenge Q (sixty-sixth overall). Next Q is Monday at Downtown Train (South Wake).

QIC: Pigpen
PAX: Goose, Dirty Bomb, Great Godfather, Doggy Paddle, Badlands, Garden Nomad, Pigpen
Workout Date: 06/18/21

See also