Slippery with the S Word


  • Over to the front lot for GM, Cotton Pickers, Burt Jacks, Overhead Clap, Seal Clap, Quick Feet…
  • Why is nobody counting?!?!?! YHC dropped an S bomb in front of a few 2.0s. Sorry.
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • …Quick Feet and Curb Merkins.

The Thang:

  • Back to the back-right lot:
  • 5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 Merkins, Squats and LBCs with laps up and down the lot
  • Move the pax to the shelter and partner up
  • 100 LRSU, 200 Dips, 300 Irkens w/ the lot lap


  • Around the circle, ending on Denali’s Boat-Canoes

COT: 18, YHC took us out

NMS: Been a fun week, finishing strong at the arena. Meatloaf’s kids are animals out there… crushing it. Sorry for using the S word. Where the heck was the SWW shovel flag? Thanks ‘Ratio for having yours.

See also