Slippery When Wet

YHC pulled into the parking lot of North Cary Park a little early this morning, and thought about how Danger Zone is the only AO in Carpex that never has an EC pre-run. As that thought entered my mind, I saw Pet Sounds heading out for a solo warm-up run.


Mosey around the pickle and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, cotton pickers and side straddle hops.

The Thang

Mosey down to the patio in the woods and get ready for a well planned beatdown and, what? The rain has left it slicker than greased goose poop down here. I don’t want to be responsible for any broken bones, especially mine, so let’s audible.

Mosey back up the hill to the round field for four corners. There’s no corners on a round field, so we’ll use the spots where the path break off.

Run to the first corner, someone calls five reps of an exercise.

Run to the next corner, repeat the previous exercise, then someone else adds ten reps of another exercise.

Run to the next corner, repeat the previous exercises, then someone else adds fifteen reps of another exercise.

Run to the last corner, repeat the previous exercises, then someone else adds twenty reps of another exercise.

Three rounds, which included merkins, squat jumps, Makhtar N’Diayes, burpees, LBCs and other crowd favorites.

Mosey up to the shelter and grab some bench. Three rounds of dips x 10, irkins x 10 and ALRSUs x 25.


Stay in the shelter for dying cock-a-roaches, low slow flutters and Have a Nice Day.


Count-a-rama:  12 Name-a-rama:  1 RESPECT, 10 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for the friends and family of Happy Meal’s friend who passed away recently from a brain tumor, prayers for another friend who is currently dealing with a brain tumor, praise for Angry Elf starting a new job next week, praise for Katnis’s M who has fully recovered from her recent surgery. BOM:  YHC took us out


Awful quiet this morning. No Burt, no Flip Flop, no Kitty, no Hi-Liter.

No current or former site Qs this morning. That’s OK, they let me know ahead of time, so I brought the Rush Hour flag. I suggested changing the AO name but I don’t think the PAX took me seriously.

Disco Inferno, if you’re wondering.

Happy Meal keeps wanting to call me Lame Duck.

Why three sets of 25 ALRSUs? Because we didn’t get to run the staircase this morning, and there are 75 steps. As Ollie pointed out, I remembered that from my first Danger Zone post almost three years ago.

Three PAX carried extra weight today. Angry Elf and Biner wore vests, WWW carried a wooden pain stick that was just a notch below a railroad tie.

Never ask Pet Sounds to choose an exercise, it’s always Catalina wine makers or Makhtar N’Diaye.

Welcome FNG Croquet!

It’s an honor to lead you men.

See also