
Here in the year of our Lord 2,022, there has been a fair amount of grief given over what happens with an AO when it snows. Or threatens to snow. Or is predicted to snow later this week. As it turns out, earlier this week, at least a handful of AOs were closed on account of the white fluffy stuff. The horror! On slack, much virtual ink was spilled on this topic, so much so that the rest of the week all site Qs were quick to highlight how they, and only they, would NEVER close on account of inclement weather. That lead to more back and forth landing in a very happy spot:

When the weather is going to suck, as Ma Bell to post his conversation with Hi-Liter from ~6 years ago. Bruh.

Today, on the 22nd of the first month of the aforementioned year, it snowed. A fair amount. For NC, that is. At least two, maybe three, inches. And it came down such that few roads were cleaned by this morning. YHC had snagged the Q for OTR and, with the 4WD in the Jeep engaged, fear for traction was minimal. Fear for company was a different story. Packing three sleds into the car, I headed out.


about 1.5 miles following the Dino eyeball/ear pond loop. Got back to the car with enough time to call the M quickly to say good morning and allay any fears of my charred body being found in a frozen, and burned, hull of a car something midweek.

Then I waited for the others to show. Only one other car in the parking lot… It’s Bootlegger. Well, let’s get to it.


Ignoring Bootleggers pleas to bring the beatdown into a shelter where the snowdrifts would be minimal, we began. Some GMs, followed by Michael Phelps, then some IWs and just as the Moroccan Nightclubs were really hittin, another car rolls up. Slooooooowly reverses into a spot in the massively empty lot. Finally Roasters saunders over.

Immediately YHC calls Mountain Climbers (e.g. ice skaters) followed by Hand Release Merkins on my down. Welcome to the snow Roasters!


Grab one of the sleds from the field and follow me. While there was some squatting and lunging and air pressing and sled-extending that happened, the real thang was moseying to the only significant hill in Hunter Street Park and sledding down it. It was a blast. Bootlegger took distance the first time we went down and Roasters had it the next but YHC finished the last of our rides with the distance crown. Dips, irkins and picnic table curls were mixed in. I think all in all we sledded four of five times.

Back to the field and players choice of Sled Crawl, Mosey or Walk back to the flag. Nice thing about the Sled Crawl is you can just plop down on it when you’re tired.


Combos of Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Hello Dollys on the sled.

Closed things off with perfect formed Snow Angels (regular).


  • 3 dudes acting like kids
  • Prayers for Higgins and his family; prayers for Karen
  • Announcements: Duck Donut Dask; Raleigh 10-year (check the website); Chain Gang pick up at the end of the month


Loved every minute of this. Yes, sometimes it is all about the beatdown. Today was about giggling like little kids again as we slid down those hills.

Thanks for joining me for the post-EC Roasters.

See also