Sky Who?

When 5:45 rolled around, there were six men, and missing was the one who was on the Q sheet. WWW, as the site Q, asked if anyone felt moved to lead. Since YHC’s back was a little sore, he was worried about what a WWW Q might bring, he stepped up. It had been a WHILE since he Q’d but why not!


Mosey to the top parking lot to the right


10 Imperial Walker IC

5 Calf stretches IC, L/R

10 King David Kicks

8 Really slow GM IC

10 Cossack Adductor Stretch IC

Mosey to the back parking lot

The Thang:

Partner up for Dora: 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC, partner runs the pickle

Move to the picnic shelter, arrange the tables for the Deep Merkin Gauntlet

Pax side plank walked to the front of four picnic tables arranged in two parallel lines. Pax climbed up on the benches, did a deep merkin, with the chest below the plane of the benches, bear crawl forward, repeat. Pax follows in line. Each Pax got 4 passes through the gauntlet.

Since the tables were out, we did:


10 Box Jumps OYO

Move the tables back

Mosey to the ninja course

It turns out everything was slick with dew, so we just did

Agility style sideways quicksteps on the marks

10 Irkins on the toadstool looking things

10 Derkins

Mosey to the front with some loopbacks, with 5 and 10 star jumps along the way

Hamstring Stretch L/R

Piriformis Stretch L/R

Quad Stretch L/R

NMS: It had been a really long time since I Q’d a bootcamp. It was really nice, and really fun to do it with such a small group of men.

See also