Skip to My Lou, Birthday Merkins, and Name Your Karaoke Go-To Song (because your life may depend on it)

It’s a good day when you can get 14 HIMs posting to an AO when the temps dip below 0 C. That was the case this morning, so will need to keep moving.

Warm Up

Following the the standard disclaimer and signing of release forms, mosey to the parking lot at the baseball field. Standard warm up consisting of SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Sir Fazio arm circles, Grundle stretch, calf stretch, and 25 Merkins.

The Thang

Mosey down the street to the next parking lot. 7s: exercises were V Ups and Pistol Squats.

Mosey further down Hunter street to the parking lot at the 1000th storage unit in the greater Carpex area. 7s: exercises were Catalina Wine Makers and Monkey Humpers. Karaoke instead of running.

Mosey BACK to the first lot where we started. Third set of 7s - exercises were Bonnie Blairs and Burpos. Skip in between instead of running.

Mosey back to the park for a short lap around - stopping for sets of Dying Cockroaches, American Hammers, and Squats.

Stop by the FIA circle and do 49 Merkins for YHC’s M’s last day being 49 years old. Back to the flag.


LBCs and CF Merkins


One Respect, one Honor, whole slew of Mehs.

We prayed for the opportunity to learn from our elders, and influencing our younglings. Praises for WW’s M and her recovery from shoulder surgery. YHC took us out.


  • YHC rushed Hamm through his shoe tying, and as a result one foot was numb from being too tight.
  • Imp has hops
  • Merkins were in part to help Pet Sounds fit into his nice fancy hydration vest
  • We discussed our karaoke preferences. It’s a must to have a go-to song in case you get in a situation where you’ve gotta perform. Some excellent choices are 867-5309 by Tommy TuTone, and any number of Toby Keith tunes such as As Good as I Once Was, Red Solo Cup or Should’ve Been a Cowboy
  • Skipping just makes you smile. If you disagree we can’t be friends.
  • MIAGD, and be just a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also