Six years in the making!

The 6th anniversary was such a big day for Carpex, 3 Q’s were lined up to ensure events would proceed smoothly.  Against the odds, a cluster was avoided. Welcome FNG’s Ya Baby and Cradle.  Here’s what went down.

Warm Up: Shared among the Q’s with SSH, cotton pickers, hillbillies, merkins and yes, you can now go and have a great day since you had a good morning

Main thing #1 - Burt: Over to the soccer field, we sprinted back and forth, doing exercises at each end.  In summary, we exercised while being entertained by Burt, good time.

Main thing #2 - Coney: In the parking lot, four corners Indian run style with 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 prisoner squats, 20 American hammers, brief plank-o-rama and do the four corners in reverse.

Main thing #3 - Wonderbread: To another field where 2 lines of cones were set up about 100 yards apart.  Do 50 SSH’s, sprint to next set of cones then bear crawl to fence.  Mosey back, repeat with merkins and prisoner squats.

Back to the flag for short Mary session followed by have a nice day.

COT: Count of 32 (correction to early reports of 34, OK a small cluster event) to mark the anniversary and contribute to century goal, well done men!  Prayers for Cary Fire Captain that passed away and F3 Hamilton going to have surgery and chemo.  Burt read a devotion by Tony Dongy with urge to not sit on the sidelines but to get involved.  Swag took us with thanks for F3 and glory to God.  Burt provided PBR’s and vanilla ice cream for the post workout fellowship.

On behalf of the 3 Q’s, we were honored to have opportunity to lead GT on such a special day! MIAGD

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