Site Q Convergence

I was reading over Franky’s BB yesterday and realized, wow.  We just had a Site Q convergence at Kryptonite and I didn’t even know it!

We had representation from A-Team, FWD x2, Vesper, DZ, DP, Krypto x2, BO, and even Isotope thanks to my man Don Ho with the surprise post this AM while he’s in town!  So yeah, we were loaded down with Site Qs Franklin, sorry bruh.

Betamax, Open Out, and Waterwings;  See me after the backblast.  See if we can’t find you a site to Q…

So look, here we are, week 2 of Kryptonite so the Q has to bring it.  YHC teased we’d get some mileage in and I think that promise held true, you be the judge… STRAVA FLY-BY

0530 Let’s go boys!  Run down the road towards the lake and “circle up” at the corner of I don’t know and Who cares (sorry not from around here.) *  Good Mornings, SSH, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, recover.

Mosey, at your own pace you wild stallions, down the side up up the long uphill bend into the corporate parking lot then circle back for your 6.

The Thang *  Partner Up:  Lap the (Kryptonite sized) parking lot going opposite directions meeting up on the far end for an exercise.  Then circle back and flapjack the same exercise. *  Exercise:  Partner 1 does a merkin with Partner two’s feet on back while P2 does a curb dip. *  Count:  5 reps, run, flapjack 5 reps, run, 6 reps, etc…  We did 8 full laps and did NINES together.

Next *  Get a new partner for some DORA 1-2-3.  P1 does the exercise, P2 does a lap up the stairs and around the lower lot *  Exercises:  100 Curb CDDs, 200 Squats, 300 Flutter kicks

Then *  Backwards run out of the parking lot then run back down the sidewalk to the lake.  Halt at the first light pole. *  Each light pole do 5 Derkins (on my down) and 5 Aussie Mtn Climbers (IC) then sprint to the next pole.

Mary *  25 LBCs IC *  10 Side plank chill cut J-Los (each side)

Recover - Count - Name - COT *  Prayers for Ma, Flouride’s nephew, Sputnik’s M, and Olive from Isotope (Operation Sweet Tooth’s dad, one year after her passing.) *  The Refinery Social after SNS TOMORROW!  0630 - ??? *  May 6 - Carpex Picnic!  See for details in the Chronicle.


NMS *  I love the tempo workout!  Great idea to throw this in the Carpex mix fellas! *  I also love getting home 15 mins early.  It’s pretty sweet. *  13 posted, 10 were Site Qs.  Good thing I didn’t know going it I would have been so nervous amongst such elite men. *  Just kidding, being a Site Q doesn’t mean you’re elite.  It just means you’re freed to lead.  You can still be unelite. *  Water Wings and Open Out may be Site Qs within a month’s time. *  Betamax is Jared.  When we intro’d ourselves he said his name is Jared.  I didn’t know if that was his name like “Burt” or if he was an FNG.  Turns out he just hasn’t posted in a while. *  That’s right, Water Wings headlocked the dude and told him to post again and led him straight to Kryptonite. *  Water Wings was sorry not sorry.  Beta almost splashed merlot.  Was really hoping he would have… #Qfail.

See also