Simple Circles at the Circus

QIC: Parker. Date: 6/13/2019. AO: Flying Circus

PAX: Badlands, Beaker, Sky Blue, Kilmer, Nature Boy, CRO, Mozart, Perry, Trike, Biner, Yoga Mat, Parker

While I was a regular at the nearest British AO to Carpex prior to becoming the site Q at Bounty Hunters, I hadn’t been in over a year. Great to be back in the gloom up in West Cary on a brisk June morning (really! it was 59 degrees!) and to see some new faces and old friends.

I told Nature Boy on the 1 mile EC warm-up that i had dreamed this workout up the previous night (yes, i accidentally arrived at 5:20 for a 5:30 start…whoops this AO starts at 5:45). That is almost literally true. I was falling asleep and wondering what I could treat these fine gentlemen to. And then what came over me was a workout that fit so well and was so simple, I knew it would befit Sky Blue the Site Q (sorry Goose, that rhymed). I slept like a baby, and knew I would need it.

Disclaimer and F3 Mission given, we mosey a bit and do a standard warm up: SSH, calf stretch, fazio, good mornings, runners stretch.

Mosey to the track for The Main Thang:

  • 300 yard run at 50% effort; 1 burpee, 2 merkins, 3 jump squats, 4 mtn climbers
  • 300 yard run at 60% effort; 2 burpees, 4 merkins, 6 jump squats, 8 mtn climbers
  • 300 yard run at 70% effort; 3 burpees, 6 merkins, 9 jump squats, 12 mtn climbers
  • 300 yard run at 80% effort; 4 burpees, 8 merkins, 12 jump squats, 16 mtn climbers (It was suggested that 80% effort is pretty much AYG for 300 yards)
  • 300 yard run at 50% effort; 5 burpees, 10 merkin, 15 jump squats, 20 mtn climbers
  • 300 yard run at 60% effort; 6 burpees, 12 merkin, 18 jump squats, 24 mtn climbers
  • 300 yard run at 70% effort; 7 burpees, 14 merkin, 21 jump squats, 28 mtn climbers
  • 300 yard run at 80% (max) effort; 8 burpees, 16 merkin, 24 jump squats, 32 mtn climbers

While doing this, men that finished each run first were required to PUT6 so we all did the burpees, merkins, jump squats, and mountain climbers in cadence. No standing around, and very little mumble chatter was heard (with the exception of when the exercises did not go back down to 1-2-3-4 after the fourth cycle. the PAX loved that).

Recover. Mosey up the stairs to the parking lot, line up along the brick wall of Mills Park, count off 1’s and 2’s for The Extra Thang:

  • Partner 1 Balls to the Wall, Partner 2 does 15 merkins OMD. Flapjack (Parker/Biner called cadence)
  • Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 does 13 merkins OMD. Flapjack.
  • Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 does 11 merkins OMD. Flapjack.

Mary: We did it. I think it involved some LBCs, some prisoner supermans, and definitely finished with Squatter 100s.

NMS: I’ve been pretty bad about writing backblasts as of late, but this workout was tough, and these men were owed to have it recorded. Some very nice work was done out there at The Flying Circus, and I’m sure everyone got stronger. Great to meet CRO, Perry, and Mozart. Hope to see you guys at another AO soon.

It was an honor to lead you men today.

See also