Shuttyversary Day 3: Gettin' After It

YHC and a crew of 7 hit up a little EC Phoenix run to kick the morning off.  A 1 mile down / 1 mile back run.

Upon return to Phoenix there was a new face amongst the crowd.  Apparently 1 HIM-in-training saw YHC’s call to action on Facebook to join some men in the outdoors and the cold for a 0630 workout!  Welcome FNG Butterscotch!

Disclaimer was applied and we lapped the parking lot and ran out to the intersection for our #ShutInStandard Warmup.

To keep with the theme of Shuttyversary we kicked it old school with the Ollie Lightpole Lap, modified due to ice, we stayed on the main Bond Park strip.  Squats all the way down.  Reset at the end of the road and Squats all the way down to the picnic shelter and parking lot.

THANG 1:  Grab a rock.  Easy right?  Wrong.  They are FROZEN TO THE GROUND.  This made for some cold cold rocks.  Thanks Ninja Ice for the 5 mins of protection here…  Run a lap with your rock going up in reps at each of the 4 corners:  2,4,6,8.  Next hit the shelter for a rock set of sorts.  Then do another lap with rock burpees.  Then meet up for some FiA style rock work.  One leg stuff.

THANG 2:  Head to New Hampshire and grab a non travelling rock.  Doing some curls, tris, presses, rows we dropped the rocks and ran to see New Hampshire and all its glory.  Did some Mary while up there.  Ran back to rocks and did another set.  This time YHC asked for everyone’s wedding anniversary and Biner with the highest number!  So we celebrated and did that many reps of should presses.

Then we ran to the kiosk and did something and finished with a Billy Run!

3 Years, boom!  #micdrop

See also