Shuttyversary Day 2: Ice Age

YHC actually had a pretty good one planned for today but due to horrible weather conditions, ice everywhere, locked gates, and lack of Pax we had to…adjust.

It all worked out in the end though. Great small group to get after it this morning. TCLAPS for Hermes making the special trip to support his F3 Daddy as father and son continue on the quest to knock out a 6 pack to start off the year.

THANG 1: In two groups of 3 we lined up across from each other. Each line performed an exercise while the person in the front of their line would sprint across to the other line and get in the back of that line. As this continued it made the lines (sprints) get farther apart.  We did 3 sets and I don’t remember all of the excercises!!

Exercises:  Burpees / Hammers / Plank hold / LBCs / Squats / Lunges

THANG 2:  Partner off and run in opposite directions meeting back at the start point to perform a partner exercise.  One run was around the roundabout and back.  The other was down to the pond around and back up…through the ice and snow…

THANG 3:  Just enough time to do hill sprints.  Sprint until YHC calls halt then return to the start line.  Each halt was extended so the sprints were longer and longer.

See also