Shoulder Shredder

  • When: 05/01/2018
  • QIC: Pet Sounds
  • The PAX: Term Paper, Smokey, Hermes, Chanticleer, BuildaBear, Byou, Hello Kitty, WKRP, Sosa, Large Mouth, WaterWings, and Yoga Mat and Pet Sounds

WOW - I have not Q’d in a long time… Lucky YHC had support for days from the PAX.  Hello Kitty booster seat sighting was a plus during warmup. With the Moon setting and Sun rising we were off!  

Warm up - Short run to the another parking lot, SSH x25, Merkinsx25, Peter Parkersx15, Good Morningx15, mozy down the Greenway stop along the way for Offset Merkinsx15

Thang 1

From bottom of rail to change in pavement, Hands on ground, legs of rails, side hand walk up about 100’, Squat hold for six, Mozy to ⅓ way across the bridge.  Partner up in groups of 3 - P1 10xPull Ups, P2 Gives a foot assist when needed, P3 LBCs - swap then another round. Q called Bear Crawl to the other side of the bridge… it was much further than anticipated.  Hermes and Build-a-Bear got to the other side about 10 minutes before the rest of the PAX. Silly fast

Thang 2

Partner up in same group of 3

P1 BBW hold, P2 LBCs, P3 Run down the path to bottom and loop back up, swap repeat twice.  

Crawl Bear back to mid point of bridge for another set of Thang1

Thang 3

Partner up in same groups of 3 - P1 10xPull Ups, P2 Gives a foot assist when needed, P3 LBCs - swap then another round.  By this time the Qs shoulders were cooked and he was looking for a way out of this beating.

Mozy back to the parking lot, stopping at the mid point for a balancing of the offset merkins from earlier.

Thang 4

Grab some bench/wall for Dips, Irkins and Dirkins

Quick lap to the rock pile for 2 sets (with lap between) Rock row and Curls

With 1 minute left we mozied to the flag for COT


FWD - moving to a 0530 Start time.  No consultation with with Carpex Royalty… shameful.  But YHC likes it!

Prayer Requests

Prayers for Hi-Lighters family as they greve the loss of the patriarch of their family.  Getting to know Hi-Lighter over the past year+ I can only imagine the amazing man that molded him.  May God welcome you home Mr. Slota

Praises for Smokey’s daughter for earning her license.  Most of the PAX and I were confused by this but we were excited for her to earn her Drivers License… Luckily Smokey corrected us, she earned her counseling licenses!  Much more excited IMO!!! Well done!

Thank you WaterWings for taking us out today.  


Naked Moleskin

Thank you all for being the influence YHC needs in his life.  No Idea where YHC would be without you all.

See also