Shortcut to the Playground

AO: Bounty Hunters

After two plus weeks away from F3 (travel and holidays) it was more than time to hit it hard. Anticipating this situation weeks prior, YHC signed up for a lonely slot on the Bounty Hunter Q-sheet…2 days after Christmas. It was more than worth it.

Called an EC 2.5 miler, fellowship pace, first at 0515, only to be politely corrected by Sub, reminding of the 0530 workout start time…revised it to 0500 and off we went: YHC, Sub and Build-a-Bear, for a friendly jog around the block, 11 other HIMs joining on time (well, all except for Shut-in, who just may have been late).


Circle up in the skate park for Good Morning, SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Merkins. Partner up & mosey.

Thang 1: School Bus Dora

Mosey to the elementary school for a quick warm-up Dora: 100 Carolina Dry Docks, 200 Sumo Jump Squats, 300 LBC’s. Run around the pickle (line of sleeping school buses). Mosey to the track.

Thang 2: Track Dora

YHC elected to take the shortcut to the track this day, or so he was advised by the more astute (and navigationally observant) PAX who reminded him that it’snot necessary to jump the fence. There is an easier way there. Oh well, makes for a story.

Dora again, this time with 100 Pullups, 200 Plank Jacks, 300 Freddie Mercuries.  Nice long run around the track allowed a bit more mileage today. PAX wrapped it up right on time for a mosey back to the flag.


Circle up for High Flutters, Low Slow Flutters (held an extra 10 for fun), American Hammers.


Short & sweet today with reminder of the New Year’s Day convergence.

Thanks to Shut-in for the accountability call – PAX need to be more mindful at street crossings to stay together, be safe (it’s the QIC’s responsibility to lead in that manner). We got a bit strung out crossing today…

Count-a-rama: 14 (2 respects); no FNG’s Name-a-rama:  YHC Bayonne, Theisman, Parker, GTL, Qwaig (sp?), Shut-in, Pet Sounds, Michelob, Squatter, Rooney, Build-a-Bear, Bluewater, Sub, Imp

YHC took us out.  Thank you, men, for trusting in me to lead today.


See also