Shop Local

Granted, YHC hasn’t been to Bounty Hunters in a while.  Typically it’s “fartsack day” but of my most recent posts there the pax have left the park only to return to COT.  This set the scene for this morning’s beatdown.  We were going to shop local.

12 studs rolled out of bed, some confessing as late as 0530, for a workout YHC preblasted on the Twittersphere.  The claim was high tempo, lots of stops, low mileage.  Lets see how true to form that was.


  •  Run the backside of the greenway for a few leg movements then increase pace as we circle to the baseball field lot.
  • Good Morning / Imperial Walkers / Moroccan Nightclub / Merkins

The Thang

Baseball field Lot - Jack Webbs

  • 1:1 Burpees / Sprints  -  Do a burpee and then sprint from curb to opposite parking spot line.
  • We went 1 to 5, got the heart pumping

Picnic Shelter - Bench Work

  • Partner Up for bench and mary work
  • P1 - 5 jump ups / 10 Urkins / 15 Dips
  • P2 - Protractor at 45 degrees
  • Rinse/repeat 5 times subtracting 10 degrees off the protractor each set

Baseball Field - Fence Work

  • P1 - Aussie Mtn Climbers / P2 - Backwards run to infield, sprint back - Flapjack
  • Rinse Repeat with;  People’s Chair, BTTW, People’s Chair, Aussie Climbers
  • PC until everyone finishes

Baseball Field Lot - Parking Spot Work Ladders

  • P1 and P2 together 1 Merkin, bear crawl to next parking spot line, then 2 merkins, etc…to 5
  • Rinse Repeat with;  Lunges/Squat Jumps, Broad Jumps/Burpees

YHC got tired and winded after that so let’s mary for a minute… WWIIs on my Up x 20

Triangle Lot - “4 Corners”

  • Sorry this wasn’t up to standards but we high tempoed it through everything so fast this had to be a little on the fly, my bad.
  • It did get the most mumble chatter because we started with Curb Squats, let’s call them Squatty Potties as you do a squat off the curb so low your butt hits the curb.  The Curbs of Apex are LOW!!  5 reps at each corner
  • Next set, Curbkins
  • Next set, Quick Feet Burpees (1,2,3,down)
  • Times about up, I’m gassed but there was quite a bit of trash all around us…next exercise, find some trash and throw it away and plank when you get back. (#IamThird)

Billy Run Mary Up - American Hammers to close us out IC x 20

COT Closed us up just talking about how “rich” we are when compared to world wealth.  I Listened to a Francis Chan podcast on being “lukewarm” last night and it convicted me to share how we need to be aware of our riches.  During the holiday season use our riches and seek out ways to step up and help those around us!  It’s no good to keep it to ourselves!  #PickUpThe6.  Aye!

Enjoyed it!  Good weather, good group, good park.

See also