
So it was pouring cats and dogs and with 2 minutes to go it was just the Captain and I. The plan was set…..get a little wet, take a quick selfie and call it a day.

In a moments notice 3 HIMs came in on 2 wheels and foiled any thoughts of an early breakfast. We had a choice… some men and head for the great wide open and take on the rain, or head towards some form of coverage (although it was a good jog away).

Clearly nobody could make the call until one brave man emerged from his donut shop. To the open lot it was. Half way there, the skies opened up even more……so it was around the lake and to the garage.


Mosey Around the Lake and Up the Hill to the only covering near BIB. After getting completely soaked we arrived at the garage in time for a very brief break in the weather. A series of exercises were called and we were ready to go. (SSH, GM, Daisy Picker, Mountain Climber, SF Arms…the works)

Thang 1:

Partner up Dora consisting of 100 WWII Situps, 200 Diamond Merkins, 300 Squats

Thang 2:

Head to the long hill outside of the deck for some 7’s. Turkish Get Ups and Star Jumps were on the Menu

Coming close to time so it was a backdoor short cut to the lake and a very high tempo Indian Run for the flag


Shawshank (for Repeato of course)


Countarama: 5, no respects

Prayers: for all the guys on IR,

See also