
YHC arrived a few minutes early to see what condition the conditions were in. Hopes for spending at least part of the beatdown in the amphitheater were dashed, it was lit up but there were workers preparing it for an upcoming event. Not sure how much that mattered because the greenway around Symphony Lake was covered in water. Hermes says that can happen after five days of continuous rain. Looks like we’re gonna get wet.


Mosey to the parking lot across the street and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, burpees and Sir Fazio’s. At some point Denali might have called YHC an insulting word that rhymes with four. He didn’t confirm it, but he didn’t really deny it either.

Mosey over to the top of the Global Knowledge parking lot and circle up for copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. Lots of chatter about why they’re called copperhead. YHC has no answers.

The Thang

Mosey over to the next parking lot with the irregularly shaped pickle. It’s more of a triangle than a rectangle. Ten burpees, bear crawl along the short side of the triangle, run around the other two sides, repeato with 8 burpees, then 6, 4 and 2.

Indian run back to the other side of the parking lot. Ten penalty burpees because some of the PAX didn’t wait their turn.

Mosey down to the bottom of the hill for 40’s, run up to the next light pole, 30 merkins, run back down, 10 squats. Repeato dropping 5 merkins and adding 5 squats until we get to 10 and 30.

Bear crawl up the hill to the first light pole.

Indian run back to the flag. Some of the PAX still didn’t wait their turn, so ten more penalty burpees.


Indian run laps around the parking lot, followed by penalty burpees, until we finally get it right.

Copperhead merkins, copperhead squats.

Standing Have A Nice Day, which Repeato called the Shawshank. That was brilliant and should be added to the official exicon.


Count-a-rama:  10 Name-a-rama:  0 RESPECT, 10 meh, 0 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Oofta’s M as she awaits test results, prayers for Repeato’s 2.1 with a visit to the doctor today, prayers for Crimson’s continued recovery. BOM:  YHC took us out


I love the 05:15 start time.

The mumble chatter was strong this morning, that made the cold and rainy conditions more enjoyable.

This wasn’t Kryptonite, but it was the same location and most of the same guys. Some of them needed a demonstration when I called the bear crawl.

Nothing but hands and feet touched the ground this morning. A Mary made up of running and burpees was a new one for me, but I think the PAX appreciated it. It was not a good day for LBCs.

It takes dedication to get up this early on a day this gloomy, dedication to one’s self and to one’s brothers. This was an impressive group of dedicated men, thank you for letting me lead.

See also