"Shaping up to be an okay Q"

Those are the generous words Snots shared as we wrapped up our last weights rep on this tour of the plenty that Green Mile has to offer. The day started off perfectly gloomy with mist making it hard to see anything.

After a nice warm-up with some high knees, jump skip, butt kicker, and karaoke intervals on the way, we made our way down to the greenway.

We started off with a signature move–the over-complicated competition that was hard to understand: the “corn-hole burpee relay”. I won’t share the details here – you’ll have to make it to another Torpedo Q to enjoy that, but suffice it to say improvements are planned for the next round.

Staying in teams, we did some relays with merkins, spiderman pulse, burpees, and mountain climbers, while the other partner held plank.

Mosey back to the school, with lunges and broad jump burpees on the way, we continued the relay theme with one partner on dips, LR step-up, urkin, and durkin while the other held balls to wall or people’s chair.

Down to the lower lot to pick up weights for a ladder circuit:

5x -> 10x -> 15x -> 10x -> 5x of Overhead Press, Curl, Thruster, and Kettlebell swing, with a pickle between each round.

Back to the flag for some stretching and a great start to the day.

See also