Shank's "High Intensity" Workout

When:  7/28/17

QIC:  Shank

The PAX: Hermes, Angry Elf, Large Mouth, Joe Smith, Bartman, Perogi, Chanticleer, Sky Blue

After a couple of months with F3 I did a “high-intensity workout”  - after all, aren’t all of them high intensity?  Well, I nearly passed out and promised I would never do it again, but today I was conquering my fear and created my own version of “high-intensity” at Danger Zone with the 8 men who joined me this morning.  That’s right…just 9 of us today.  Don’t worry Ma Bell - it was still considered a boot camp workout but let me feel good about it for a second.

Warm Up:  We started with a lap around the pickle running sideways and backwards and then circled for warm-ups:

20 Side straddle hops 15 Imperial walkers 15 Plank jacks 15 Mountain climbers 20 Standard merkins Remained in plank position for a headcount around the circle, and yes, it is still just 9 of us.

The Thang:  We paired up for Dora 123’s for 100 Merkins, 200 Dips, and 300 Calf Raises (so we can pretend to have Bartman’s calves). One partner did the exercise while the other ran the loop around the bathrooms.

After a quick squat hold it was a brisk jog down to the bridge. On the way there was some mumble chatter about doing bear crawls over the bridge but that was not in the plans. We did a Merkin Circle (it was suggested to add this to the lexicon) which opened with a lunge walk across the bridge for 10 Diamond Merkins, then jog to the fire pit for 10 Durkin’s, then run up the steps to the top of the hill for 10 Urkins followed up with 10 Wide Grip Merkins back at the bridge. The group was fast and there was no 6 to pick up.

We then did an Ab Circle (not as catchy as Merkin Circle) which was lunge walk across the bridge to 10 4-count American Hammers, then a jog to the bottom of the hill for 10 4-count LBC’s, jog back up the steps for 4-count low slow flutters, and finish at the bridge with 10 4-count Freddy Mercury’s.

Again, the group was very fast and there was no 6 to pick up. At the request of a few heavy breathers we did a 10 count around the circle for a break, but in “high intensity workout” fashion we did the 10 counts while pulsing squats - hands up!

The group then jogged to the field for an ego rock. Back with their partners, one partner stayed at the sideline for rock curls while the other partner ran to midfield for 5 Bobby Hurley’s (hard for this UNC alum to even say) and returned to the rock. Each partner repeated the exercise with overhead rock raises, and then tricep extensions alternating with Bobby Hurley’s.

The group returned the rocks and did 10 one legged burpies before we jogged back to the basketball courts with more mumble chatter about where the flags were vs. where we were going. We circled up for 15 box cutters, 20 crunchy frogs, and used the final 20 seconds for “have a nice day” to think about what we were grateful for on this beautiful Friday morning.  Thanks for keeping me on time Bartman.


Backpack buddies last day for drop off is Wednesday and get them to Term Paper

VQ week is next week and Pierogi is the Q at Danger Zone next week and Joe Smith is the Q at Flirtin with Disaster.

Praises and prayer requests:

I chose to Q today because today is my son’s 20th birthday. I thanked everyone for the emails, comments, texts, etc. from my F3 brothers while my son struggled through the death of his best friend in a car accident. Thank you all!

Aspartame’s wife is being induced on Monday - prayers for his wife and family.

We closed in prayer and while Shank’s version of a “High Intensity Workout” only had 8 brothers, I was proud to be with all 8 of these guys today.  Thanks for letting me Q fellas!

See also