Shakin' not Stirred 4/25/18 Day 3 -- The '80's

The week of Smokey continues with the music of the ‘80’s.  Joining us in the gloom were artists like Kenny Logins, Def Leppard, and Bon Jovi to name a few.  36 PAX were there for Vesper and SnS.  28 actually got to listen to the music.

We began with a quick run around the parking lot to warm up in front of the senior center.

Warm Up


Imperial Walkers

Good Mornings


Sir Fazio Arm Circles

Overhead Clap

Then we ran to the gate leading down to the boat dock.  At the gate, we divided into 4 teams for a Sandbag Indian Run to the parking lot.

Thing 1

Whoever just had the sandbag called an exercise for their team to repeat until the runner currently carrying the sandbag completed the pickle.  The returning runner handed off the sandbag and called the next exercise.  This continued until all team members had run the pickle with the sandbag.

Once that was complete, the teams engaged in a Centipede Race.  Teams lined up single file facing away from the goal line.  The sandbag was passed toward the goal line over the head of the first man then between the legs of the second then again over the head of the third and so on.  As you passed the bag, you ran to the end of the line.  This continued until the teams reached the goal line.  Team 1 won the race and has bragging rights should they chose to use them.

After a short celebratory break, the teams did a Sandbag Indian Run to the kiosk in the field.

Thing 2

Using the hill, we engaged in 11’s with Merkins at the bottom and Sumo Squats at the top.  The sequence was interrupted because of lack of time.

Fellowship run to the Billy Line and then a Billy Run in 4 heats.


American Hammer

Freddy Mercury

Have A Nice Day!


Welcome Centipede!  You may not know what you have gotten into, but I promise it will be a wonderful ride with great men!!

Haven House Battle of the Bags cornhole tournament is on May 20th at 1 PM at Trophy Brewing.

The ‘90’s Playlist at Bounty Hunters on Thursday!  Cupcakes on Saturday.


Several people asked for prayers for family members and friends struggling with cancer.  Prayers were requested for Saban’s and Hot Spot’s respective wives as they embark on interviews for new jobs.


Three days in a row and halfway home.  It is amazing to remember starting this journey 7/29/16.  In 2016 if I made 3 days in a week, that met my stretch goal.  To those of you just starting, hang in there, modify as needed, and the results will come.

See also