Shakespeare asked "What's in a name?" The answer: Pain.

So my timing is getting a bit better. Some of the PAX finished on time, others were just a few seconds behind. And I even had Snots giving me updates throughout the entire workout.

Warm Up

Good Morning, Windmill, Arm Circles, Steve Earle

Thang 1

So no one noticed the secret behind the exercises I picked. Let’s see if you can spot it now.

Mile Run - We started out on a 1 mile run with a few stops along the way. Imperial Walkers Kracken Burpees Everest

Thang 2

Deconstructed Burpees Elevens Crab Cakes Inch Worm Never Cross Dolly Turk & Burp Indian Run


In honor of Lois Lane (actress Margot Kidder) passing away, Earhart & Theisman lead us in a set of Supermans.


Memorial Day Convergence 5/28, Carpex Crazy Train 6/9

Prayers for Pet Sounds’ friend, Hot Spot and his family

Praises for Kubota and Pickles

YHC concluded with a quote from author “unknown”

“Life is tough. When you stand up, you’re gonna be shoved back down. When you’re down, you’re gonna be stepped on. You’ll fall down, you’ll stumble, you’ll get pushed. Success has been and continues to be defined as getting up one more time than you’ve been knocked down.

Life is hard, incredibly hard. You fail more often than you win. Nobody’s handing you anything. It’s up to you to puff up your chest, stretch out your neck, and overcome all the difficulties.

You want more than you have now? Prove it!

You want to be the very best? Get out there and earn it!

At the end of the day, success is what we all want. So, Get out on top! Run faster! Work harder. Dream bigger! Live better.”


See also