Serendipitous Kettlebells

  • When: September 13, 2018
  • QIC: Pickles
  • PAX: Billy, Disco Duck, Ezekiel, Sparky, WWW

YHC asked Disco Duck at Tortoises on Wednesday about IR workout options for Thursday. Paraphrasing, his response was essentially “Freed to Lead, brother.” All righty then. Let’s see what sort of IR side dish can be cooked up to go along with Red Ryder’s BO beatdown. Note: you can read all about that part of the workout, including COT here.

After warming up with the larger group, 7 brave souls hung back to see what was in store for them. What’s that Disco Duck? You just happen to have some kettle bells in your car? Excellent. [Disclaimer: YHC had already arranged for KBs with Disco.) Frisco saw the size of the kettle bells and ran away whimpering. (Disclaimer #2: that’s not true. We didn’t have enough kettlebells for the PAX to pair up evenly, so he politely bowed out.)

Grab the kettlebells, partner up and head over to the parking lot next to Serendipity. To get the blood flowing to the shoulders, we did some additional warm up consisting of:

  • 10 Sir Fazios each way
  • 10 Overhead claps

Shake it out, Michael Phelps style, and now that the shoulders are awake, let’s put them to use as we do a Bear Crawl / Lunge Walk / Crab Walk 1-2-3. One partner bear crawls, lunge walks or crab walks across the parking lot and back while the other works on:

  • 100 curls
  • 200 tricep extensions
  • 300 goblin squats

Flip-flop until done.

At this point, Sparky’s feeling a bit light-headed, so Ezekiel runs back to the parking lot to fetch some water. Those not checking on Sparky plank hold until he returns. Once we realize Sparky’s going to be OK, 1/2 of the PAX go over to check the integrity of the side wall of Serendipity before the hurricane rolls in.

First, Ascending Testicles: start out in dirkin position, about 15 degree angle to the ground and do 10 dirkins. Slide feet up the wall to 45 degree for either 10 more dirkins or a 10 count. Finally, slide up to full BTTW position for a 10-count down the line.

Shoulders are on fire now, so let’s give them a break. Assume People’s Chair position for a 10 count down the line. While still in PC, WWW leads us in Wonder Bras. First group heads back over to check on Sparky while YHC introduces the second group to aforementioned wall.

The rest of the BO PAX are returning at this point, so we head back for COT.


  • Really glad that we have the IR-Bruisers option for PAX who are on the mend. YHC seems to be constantly dealing with achilles pain, so it’s great to have an option to be able to still get out in the gloom when not at 100%.
  • Disco Duck didn’t have any small kettlebells, so we had 25#, 35# and 45# “options” for this morning. Those were no joke.
  • Just glad we didn’t have so many PAX that the 65# had to come into play. Hoo boy!
  • Glad to see relative new-comer Sparky getting out there with us. Glad he was feeling better by the end of the workout.
  • Great to see how the PAX all surrounded him and made sure he was OK, even if it cut into their workout. HIM.
  • Appreciate the encouragement from the larger BO group as they moseyed past our location this morning.
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead you this morning.

See also