See Ya!

AO: Tortoises


Today brought something that I thought was years away, my VQ.  In June I connected with Liverpool at a neighborhood party and asked what he had been up to, he replied I’ll pick you up at 5am Monday and you’ll see this thing called F3.  After almost tossing merlot with a Hello Kitty Q at A-Team I survived and kept coming back for more pain.  Today was my 38th workout since joining Carpex and I can’t thank all of you enough for the encouragement.  I’ve done things I’ve never done before like running 3+ miles in 45 minutes, climbing 110 flights, completing a pull-up, the list continues….


I thought about making today a 3+8 play on 11’s but decided to keep the plan simple.  After a review by co-Q Frisco and Crimson the night before we were locked and loaded.  The night before brought some nerves and they didn’t subside so I woke early, decided it would be good to stake out the parking lot and to my surprise I found 4 HIM’s killing the Iron PAX Challenge.  After a not so nice hello from Hello Kitty I retreated to home base and waited for the other PAX to roll in, no latecomers so we set off at 5:30 sharp. 


No FNG’s, went through a brief introduction, gave the pledge, and in honor of this being a low run workout we went on a mosey of both parking lots.  We circled back at the flag for a clumsy set of exercises that included: Side Straddle Hops, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (and Reverse), Seal Claps, Good Mornings, Wind Mills, Merkins, Mountain Climbers and we couldn’t miss ten Burpees YOYO just to get the blood pumping. 


Mosey down the parking lot where a set of 4 cones were setup by QIC (and we didn’t count Traffic Cone as a cone) to do some “modified” running or as some call them suicides.  The set included bear crawls to first cone where 5 merkins were done, lunges back to starting spot with 5 air squats.  Turn back and bear crawl to the second cone halfway down the parking lot and do 10 merkins, lunge back to start and do 10 air squats.  Turn back and bear crawl to third cone about ¾ way down the lot moving up to 15 merkins, lunge back for 15 air squats at the start.  Finish up the set with bear crawls to the fourth cone and 20 merkins, lunge back and complete 20 air squats.  In between legs burned, mumble chatter was enjoyed and Frisco’s 2.0 Supercell talked made junk including telling us all “See Ya” as he took off for the last leg of the set.


Mosey to the Wall and Partner up

  • BTTW while partner does 20 LBC’s, switch
  • BTTW while partner does 20 American Hammers, switch
  • BTTW while partner does 20 Flutter Kicks, switch
  • BTTW while partner does 20 dying cock roaches, switch

I looked at the clock and realized there was time to fill so had everyone lined up for People’s Chair to complete a 10 count down the wall before continuing with BTTW for another 10 count down the wall.

Mosey back to the starting point of the cones in first lot to complete two rounds of 4 corners around the large pickle stopping at corner one for 5 merkins, corner two for 10 LBC’s, corner three for 15 superman’s, and corner four for 20 jump squats.  Running short on time we circled up at the flag for some PAX-led Mary


Covered ~1.5 miles, not bad for a low run workout.

Count-a-rama:  17

Name-a-rama:  16 minus Flenderson who had to leave early. 

4 for Iron PAX Challenge

Announcements: Odyssey on October 8, start point Ritter Park, check out Slack for more information, help with SAG wagon needed.

Prayers / Praises:  Praises for Frisco’s 2.0 Supercell coming out two days in row for Claymore and Tortoises.  Supercell provided great mumble chatter and talked some mad junk to the PAX. 

Crimson took us out in Circle of Man with an inspiring message about being better than ourselves and keeping up a good fight against the mental challenges we face daily.

Last Message from QIC: Special thank you to all in Carpex for pushing me to my VQ today, picking up the six with me around the AO’s, and just being an amazing group of HIM.  SYITG!

See also