Secrets of the Beige Bros

Four dudes were “In”. Three dudes were not. Much like the Masons have their secret handshakes, the OA has it’s Ordeal and fraternities do bizarre things to biscuits, so to does the elite running club of CARPEx have a code.

And much like the other ‘secrets’ above, theirs too is out in the open for everyone to see. But so subtle that most miss it.

But it’s there, quietly reinforcing the fact that you, oh slow one, are just not fast enough.

Especially as Chanticleer accelerates past you just as you think you have him.


Scout Gran Torino on Google Maps since I’ve never been here before and keeping in mind there is a certain expectation of the PAX here.


Run. A bit of GM, SSH and Merkins and we’re set.

Thang 1:

Split into left-side and right-side PAX. Heading up Upchurch and onto Clearport, stop at every driveway for one HRM. Increase count at each driveway. YHC crosses fingers that I counted driveways halfway decently from space.

Turns out there were 18 on each side. A nice start.

Thang 2:

Heading down Davis, stop at each large-straight-thing sticking of the ground for one starjump. Increase by one each pole.

Thang 3:

Bombjacks at each intersection after heading onto Preston Village.

Bombjacks were a dud as there was only one intersection.

Thang 4:

Mary ‘round the gazebo.

Thang 5:

Indian run back to the flag on the greenway that encircles that soccer fields.


All accounted for. Prayers for wisdom.


Just super secret of the beige bros goes with me.

Vaccines and other pandemic preparedness responses were discussed.

See also