Second Verse Same as the First

As Pickles always says “Preparation H is key”. So to impress my junior site Q I made sure my weinke was laid out by my keys last night. Driving in to Claymore I felt great, I was back out in the Gloom, I had successfully Q-ed HB yesterday with a modified version of one of my COVID lockdown workouts, and I was heading to the premier limited run AO in Carpex on a Tuesday.

Thus my chagrin as I looked down and realized my weinke was the one from HB yesterday. And I could see that Pickles was sober so he would sense any hesitation on my part and jump on it. (Why had I made that guy an assistant junior site Q?) I could also see Re Entry and Kwik Stop there and they had been at HB so they might recognize the workout. Then again Kwik Stop spent most of the HB workout napping (you have to read yesterday’s backblast to get that joke) and Re Entry has often said he considers my Qs to be FUBARs at a level he never thought possible (which I think is military-speak for ‘great work’). So with a little modification it would probably be okay.

“This better be good, Frisco” said Earhart. “I came all the way from Apex.” Then mumbled something about Q-shopping. It was time to start.

Warm Up:

Sir Fazio forward, Seal Claps, Sir Fazio backwards, Liverpool Claps (overhead), Moroccan night clubs, Steve Earls, Mountain Climbers

The Thang - Iterating 5s

5 curls for girls

+ 5 prisoner or goblet squats (loop around)

+ 5 lily pads (loop around)

+ 5 mountain climbers (loop around)

+ 5 CF merkins (end loop)

Did the cycle again for 10 reps (Kwik Stop led) and 15 reps (WWW)


5 rock rows

+ 5 left side plank leg lifts (loop around)

+ 5 left side plank Jane Fonda’s (loop around) - TYFYL Bartman

+ 5 left side plank front/back toe taps (loop around)

+ 5 overhead presses (end loop)

We did 10 reps on one side, missed the second side, did 15 reps on both sides then went back and got the other 10 reps on the missing side - TYFYL Frisco


5 LBCs with coupon

+ 5 H2Ms with coupon (loop around)

+ 5 Low slow flutters with coupon (loop around)

+5 WW2s withOUT coupon (loop around) - TYFYL Sosa

+ 5 Rock Burpees (end loop) TYFYL Sosa


PAX Choice. Good job Chewie on calling the American Hammers. Thanks no thanks Kwik Stop calling the Eskimo merkins. Pickles called Pickle Pounders


Count a rama: Honor (1), Respects (3), Mehs (5), Hates (0)

Prayers and Praises: Lot of brothers out with injury, but COME OUT ANYWAYS TO GET SOME 2ND F. Prayers for our country in the crises.


I am known as a man of few words. The words for today are: shoes, counch, find, paw print, village, and omega.

Great leading today, gents. MIAGD.

See also