Searching for Light and then we found the Hindenberg

It was a glorious morning at FWD.  Build-a-Bear set out for a solo EC 4 miler at 4:50 while Chipper, Lite Brite & Yoga Mat set out for a nice fellowship 2 miler at 5:05.  All were back to the flag at 5:30 to be joined by 8 other PAX and the 12 of us begin the search for light.   Olsen was also there today but I can’t seem to find him on Slack.

Warm up - Mosey over to the parking lot next to the dentist office and it seemed to be somewhat well lit for our warm up.

  • 20 Good mornings.
  • 20 Side Straddle hops
  • 30 LBC’s
  • 30 WW 2’s  - timing was way off.

Thang 1 - The Lines/Parking Spaces

  • Alligator Merkins - 2 parking spaces
  • Bear Crawl -  2 parking spaces
  • Crawl Bear -  2 parking space
  • Now reverse back to where we started.

Thang 2 Mosey over to the famous FWD hill for some light pole work.

  • 10 Carolina Dry docks at each light pole until we hit the 1/2 way point. Plank hold while we waited/went back for the 6
  • 5 Merkins at each light pole to the top of the hill.  Pick up the six.

Thang 3 - Hindenburg Blimps. -  We crossed over CP to the back parking lot of the office park and proceeded to do 2 sets of Hindenburg Blimps at the light poles.   I must say it was very well lit.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Lunges
  • 30 Imperial Walkers
  • 40 Merkins
  • 50 Plank Jacks
  • 60 Squats


Thang 4 - Mosey back to thebasketball court for some Bear crawl/crawl bear suicides followed by some lunge suicides and then  5 burpees OYO


  • Yoga Mat - 15 American Hammers
  • Netscape - 10 Boat Canoe

Announcements - Convergence on the 17th check slack for details.  Convergence on the T-day at BO details to be found on slack.

Prayers- Chippers Mom who is back in the hospital and Mother in law who is having a procedure on her heart on Thursday.  Freebird’s family member who is struggling with health issues.

Chipper took us out.

See also