Searching for Bradford's Ordinary

Yesterday YHC did some research on Bradford’s Ordinary…the town. If you’ve been around Carpex a little while you’ve probably been asked “why is it called Bradford’s Ordinary?” so I thought maybe we could take a stroll to the historic site of BO and get our learn on…

Well it doesn’t exist.
In the 1700s there was an Inn owned by John Bradford called Bradford’s Ordinary and so this area was just called Bradford’s Ordinary. There ya go.

Later in the 1800s a true HIM named Allison Page (I guess he forgot his name and got a girls name?) built a home, sawmill, post office, store, hotel, etc and then incorporated his homemade town after some dude in Ohio named Samuel Cary.

Page had some kids and one of these kids was Walter Page. He founded the newspaper that would turn into the N&O. In the 1900s he became Ambassador to Great Britain.

Then he did one more cool thing…he started a school. You might know it was THE NC State University.

You’re welcome for my historicship. Fast forward to today… 16 men across 2 parking lots, gathered for a beatdown with temps in the 58s. Chewie brought us a friendly new guy that we had the honor of naming Gomer!

YHC hit us with the disclaimer and pledge dawning a QIB tank. We have some classy Site Qs!

Good thing the disclaimer was given b/c 60 seconds later Flacco only put half his foot on the curb. The other half rolled right off. #TAPS brother, hope you’re ok!! He audibled and joined the walking crew: Sooey, Chewie, and Franky.

Warm Up in the school parking lot

  • GMs, Hillbillies, Merkins, SSHs… Sabre requested the Standard Shut-In Warm Up.

Thang 1: Graveyard Bear Crawls

While doing my research I stumbled across this Historic Cemetery; Hillcrest Cemetery. Have you been there before? Some VIPs are up in there like Buck Jones. It’s a nice spot - but a little close to houses and a tad dark. Loom knew exactly where we were going, tclaps to this highly educated man.

So from the school we ran down Harrison and turned left on… PAGE St! Now you know why it’s named Page street, people!

We snaked the cemetery running the long straight ways and bear crawling the short ways. Mary until the 6 arrived and then we departed. Just a quick site seeing trip.

Thang 2: (B)LIMPS

Back to the school lot for 4 corner BLIMPS. Start with 10 Lunges, run to the center for 1 burpee then to the next corner for 15 Imperial Walkers, 1 burpee, 20 Merkins…etc.

Thang 3: Parking Deck Lunge Skips

Head to the library deck and partner up. P1 will do a lunge and then from that jump up to a skip and continue up the deck. P2 will run to that top of that straight way and then return back to P1 to recover and both mosey to the next tier and flap jack. We did this until time allowed.

MARY - Plank-o-rama
COT - Prayers and Praises were lift; Our country, Coxswain’s friends daughter (Madeline I think), DD’s Mother in Law, and many unspoken.

YHC was then presented with a large half used Shampoo and Conditioner and Natural Light. YHC then returned the used QIB TT.

It was a GREAT morning. See you in the gloom real soon.

See also