Scorned Beast [The Crick]

 When: 03/22/17  Where: The Crick  QIC: Banjo  The PAX: Amtrak. Bumblebee. Candlestick. Dabo. Mr. Slate. Oflex. Spurrier. Trump. Watson. YHC Banjo

Thanks to Mr Slate for picking up YHCs slack and leading the men through warm-up. It is not that YHC disrespects the pax. Quite opposite. It is one of thankfulness and admiration. These men are understanding of YHCs continued Wednesday tardy behavior. And with that respect, Mr. Slate was quick to except the responsibility of getting these packs moving prior to YHC’s arrival. Warm-up: SSH. Imperial Walker. Sir Fazio arm circles. Plank jacks.

Scorned Beast. Four corners (not six) in the Walgreens parking lot,  with 9 counts of each exercise per corner, 6 rounds, 5 sets of 9 cc AB work between each round:

Exercises x 4 corners x 9 cc: Rd 1-Burpee’s. Rd 2-Monkey humpers. 3-Knee ups. 4-Star jumps. 5-Squat jumps. 6-Jump lunges.

Five AB exercises x 9 cc at each lap: Boat canoe. Dying cockroach. Freddie mercury. American hammers. LBCs.

Return to shelter for Mary. Bumblebee led us through a round of Aquamans. He is ready to step up and Q.

Prayer concerns: Nickelback and family following the passing of his father this past Sunday. Death of Leesville HS student. Our youth facing depression.

Announcements: the Bull April 1 in Durham. 5K at Wake Med Soccer Park this Saturday in support of suicide prevention.

YHC took us out.

So YHC got home the other night in time to catch my children binge watching “That 70s Show”. There was a scene with a character played by Cliff Clavin from “Cheers”, with the exact same persona. He shared with Eric, one of the main characters that “after marriage there was nothing to talk about with his wife”. Basically it was all downhill after that. Whether it is our wife, our children, our family or friends, life can get boring and stale if we are not living it to our fullest with those we love and care about.

I have never met Nickelback’s father, but I can imagine the type of man he was from the man Nickelback is. Likely energetic and inspiring, carrying a smile and living everyday with laughter and and sharing joy.

Let us remember to help create our legacy through memories, both new and old. Not necessarily those bought memories with umbrella drinks sitting by the pool or at the beach, but also those memories that require effort, planning, challenges to overcome that we share with our wives, children, family and friends. Memories of warmth, hope, joy, laughter, and shared successes and failures. Shared life experiences, challenges and opportunities help us to build stronger relationships, mutual understanding and respect. These are the foundational memories that carry our legacy forward.

See also